Kontakt |
Angebote für Studenten |
Bereiche im Nanotechnikum |
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4, D-06120 Halle, Germany
10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | 390 | 400 | 410 | 420 | 430 | 440 | 450 | 456 | All
 | Singh, GP; Fuhrmann, B; Syrowatka, F; Schilling, J; Sardana, N Tuning the plasmonic response of periodic gold nanodisk arrays for urea sensing JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 59,15 (2024), 6497-6508 |
 | Mohammad M. Qaid, Camillo Ballani, Frank Syrowatka, Tobias Peters, Günter Reiss, Gregor Buettel, Uwe Hartmann, Georg Schmidt: Tunable Gilbert damping and magnetization in B-rich Fe 1-xB x thin films Physical Review Materials 8 (2024), |
 | Hartmut Uebensee, Manfred Reiche, Hans Kosina, Xuemei Xu, Hartmut S. Leipner,
Geert Brokmann, Bernhard Schwartz, Anna Reinhardt, Thomas Ortlepp: Modeling, properties, and fabrication of a micromachined thermoelectric generator AIP Adv 14 (2024), |
 | Jörg Kressler, Julian Radicke, Karsten Busse, Konstantin Amsharov, Yury Golitsyn, Detlef Reichert, Frank Syrowatka, Nazmul Hasan: Synthesis and Characterization of 15N-labeled Poly(sulfur nitride) in Bulk and in Superconductor Composites. Chemical Engineering & Technology 46 (2023), 2285-2291 |
 | Robert Säbel, Alejandro Brand, Nick Bergau, Gerd U. Balcke, Frank Syrowatka, Mandy Püffeld-Raorane, Bettina Hause, Alain Tissier: Heat stress induces a developmental shift from type-V to type-IV trichome dependent on jasmonate signaling in tomato. bioRxiv (2023), |
 | Golbarg Esfahan, Henrike Lucas, Frank Syrowatka, Karsten Mäder A starch-based implant as a controlled release system: Non-invasive in vivo characterization using multispectral fluorescence imaging. Journal of Controlled Release 358 (2023), 358-367 |
 | Werner Lebek, Frank Heyroth, Frank Syrowatka, Claus Villringer, Sylvia Goerlitz, Jan Laufer Evaluation of fabrication methods for Fabry-Perot polymer film ultrasound sensors European Conference on Biomedical Optics 12631 (2023), |
Carl Leonard Müller Entwicklung einer zuverlässigen Tiefenprofilanalyse von Post-Mortem-Si-Metallelektroden mit Hilfe der Glimmentladungsspektroskopie. Masterarbeit (2023), |
 | Kindi, H; Willems, C; Zhao, MY; Menzel, M; Schmelzer, CEH; Herzberg, M; Fuhrmann, B; Gallego-Ferrer, G; Groth, T Metal Ion Doping of Alginate-Based Surface Coatings Induces Adipogenesis of Stem Cells ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 8,10 (2022), 4327-4340 |
 | E. HIRSCHMANN, M. BUTTERLING, U. HERNANDEZ ACOSTA, M. O. LIEDKE, A. G. ATTALLAH, P. PETRING, A. WAGNER A new system for real-time data acquisition and pulse parameterization for digital positron annihilation lifetime spectrometers with high repetition rates Journal of Instrumentation 16 (2022), |
 | Lu, YT; Zeng, K; Fuhrmann, B; Woelk, C; Zhang, K; Groth, T Engineering of Stable Cross-Linked Multilayers Based on Thermo-Responsive PNIPAM-Grafted-Chitosan/Heparin to Tailor Their Physiochemical Properties and Biocompatibility ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14, 26 (2022), |
 | Buczek, N; Hanke, M; Buczek, P; Dubslaff, M; Tonkikh, AA; Fuhrmann, B; Leipner, HS Elastic behavior of metal-assisted etched Si/SiGe superlattice nanowires containing dislocations AIP ADVANCES 12,4 (2022), |
 | Thomas Ruf, Stefan Merker, Frank Syrowatka, Philip Trempler, Georg Schmidt, Michael Lorenz, Marius Grundmann, Reinhard Denecke: Preferential growth of perovskite BaTiO3 thin films on Gd3Ga5O12(100) and Y3Fe5O12(100) oriented substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition. Mater Adv. 3 (2022), |
 | Sievers, J; Below, M; Reinhardt, C; Heyroth, F; Schlenker, S; Schmidt, G; Sprafke, A; Schilling, J Periodic metal resonator chains for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) J. Appl. Phys. 130, 22 (2021), 223104 |
 | YAZMIN A. BRITO BARRERA, CATHARINA HUSTEDEN, JUMANAH ALHERZ, BODO FUHRMANN, CHRISTIAN WÖLK, THOMAS GROTH Extracellular matrix-inspired surface coatings functionalized with dexamethasone-loaded liposomes to induce osteo- and chondrogenic differentiation of multipotent stem cells. Mater. Sci. Eng. C Mater. Sci. Eng. C 131 (2021), |
 | MOHAMED ELSAYED, TORSTEN E. M. STAAB, JAKUB CÍŽEK, REINHARD KRAUSE-REHBERG On the interaction of solute atoms with vacancies in diluted Al-alloys: A paradigmatic experimental and ab-initio study on indium and tin Acta Materialia 219 (2021), |
 | RALF B. WEHRSPOHN, HAOJIE ZHANG, DIRK J. HAGEN, XIAOPENG LI, ANDREAS GRAFF, FRANK HEYROTH, … STUART PARKIN Atomic Layer Deposition of Cobalt Phosphide for Efficient Water Splitting Angewandte Chemie Int Ed 59 (2021), |
 | Kindi, H; Menzel, M; Heilmann, A; Schmelzer, CEH; Herzberg, M; Fuhrmann, B; Gallego-Ferrer, G; Groth, T Effect of metal ions on the physical properties of multilayers from hyaluronan and chitosan, and the adhesion, growth and adipogenic differentiation of multipotent mouse fibroblasts SOFT MATTER 17,36 (2021), 8394-8410 |
 | PETER M. PIECHULLA, BODO FUHRMANN, EVGENIIA SLIVINA, CARSTEN ROCKSTUHL, RALF B. WEHRSPOHN, ALEXANDER N. SPRAFKE Tailored Light Scattering through Hyperuniform Disorder in Self-Organized Arrays of High-Index Nanodisks Adv. Opt. Mater. 9 (2021), |
 | TILL MÄLZER, LENA MATHIES, TINO BAND, ROBERT GORGAS, HARTMUT S. LEIPNER Influence of Different Solvents and High-Electric-Field Cycling on Morphology and Ferroelectric Behavior of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride-Hexafluoropropylene) Films Materials 14 (2021), |
Eric Hirschmann Analyse der Porenstruktur in Schichtsystemen von kontrolliert extrahierten Natrium-Borosilikat-
Glasplatten am digital optimierten monoenergetischen Positronen-Strahl des HZDR. Dissertation (2021), |
Tobias Lingg Untersuchung von hochtemperaturbehandelten Nickelnetzen für die Sauerstoffentwicklung der alkalischen Elektrolyse. Masterarbeit (2021), |
 | NIKOLAY ARUTYUNOV, REINHARD KRAUSE-REHBERG, MOHAMED ELSAYED, VADIM EMTSEV, NIKOLAY V. ABROSIMOV, GAGIK OGANESYAN, VITALII V. KOZLOVSKI Microstructure of bismuth centers in silicon before and after irradiation with 15 MeV protons Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (2021), |
Hilz, M. Optimierung der Kalibrierung eines GDOES-Systems Bachelorarbeit (2021), |
 | L. E. de Souza, R. Eckenstaler, F. Syrowatka, M. Beck-Broichsitter, R.A. Benndorf, K. Mäder Has PEG-PLGA advantages for the delivery of hydrophobic drugs? Risperidone as an example. J. Drug Delivery Sci. Technol 61 (2021), |
 | Rutckaia, V; Heyroth, F; Schmidt, G; Novikov, A; Shaleev, M; Savelev, RS; Schilling, J; Petrov, M Coupling of Germanium Quantum Dots with Collective Sub-radiant Modes of Silicon Nanopillar Arrays ACS Photonics 8 (2021), 209-217 |
 | E. Lehner, A. Liebau, F. Syrowatka, W. Knolle, S. K. Plontke, K. Mäder Novel Biodegradable Round Window Disks for Inner Ear Delivery of Dexamethasone Intern. J. Pharmaceutics 591 (2020), |
 | LENA MATHIES, DIDDO DIDDENS, DENGPAN DONG, DMITRY BEDROV, HARTMUT LEIPNER Transport mechanism of lithium ions in non-coordinating P(VdF-HFP) copolymer matrix Solid State Ionics 357 (2020), |
DANNY PETSCHKE Entwicklung und Validierung neuartiger Ansätze zur verlässlichen Datenanalyse in der digitalen Positronenlebensdauerspektroskopie (PALS) Dissertation (2020), |
 | B. Göttel, J. Martins de Souza e Silva, C. Santos de Oliveira, F. Syrowatka, M. Fiorentzis, A. Viestenz, A.
Viestenz, K. Mäder Electrospun nanofibers - a promising solid in-situ gelling alternative for ocular drug delivery Eur. J. Pharmaceutics Biopharmaceutics 146 (2020), |
Johann Conrad Holz Strukturelle und elektrische Analyse von Compositschichten Bachelorarbeit (2020), |
Charlotte Verena Feneis Entwicklung und exemplarische Anwendung einer Methodik zur Untersuchung der schädigenden Wirkung von optischer Strahlung an mineralischen Buntpigmenten in
Bindemittelmatrizen Dissertation (2020), |
LENA K. MATHIES Materialkompositionen für Lithiumionenbatterien Dissertation (2020), |
 | THOMAS SCHNEIDER, JOHANNA TRÖNDLE, BODO FUHRMANN, FRANK SYROWATKA, ALEXANDER SPRAFKE, ROLAND SCHEER Ultrathin CIGSe Solar Cells with Integrated Structured Back Reflector Sol Rrl 4 (2020), |
 | Haojie Zhang, Dirk J. Hagen, Xiaopeng Li, Andreas Graff, Frank Heyroth, Bodo Fuhrmann, Ilya Kostanovskiy, Stefan L. Schweizer, Francesco Caddeo, A. Wouter Maijenburg, Stuart Parkin, Ralf B. Wehrspohn Atomic Layer Deposition of Cobalt Phosphide for Efficient Water Splitting Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 (2020), 17172-17176 |
 | Lena Mathies, Diddo Diddens, Dengpan Dong, Dmitry Bedrov, Hartmut Leipner Transport mechanism of lithium ions in non-coordinating P(VdF-HFP) copolymer matrix Solid State Ionics 357 (2020), |
 | B. Göttel, H. Lucas, F. Syrowatka, W. Knolle, J. Kuntsche, J. Heinzelmann, A. Viestenz, K. Mäder In situ gelling Amphotericin B Nanofibers: A new Option for the Treatment of Keratomycosis Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8 (2020), |
 | Y. A. Brito-Barrera, G. Hause, F. Syrowatka, E. Lehner, K. Mäder, C. Wölk, T. Groth Engineering of osteogenic microenvironments by combination of multilayers from collagen
type I - chondroitin sulfate with novel cationic liposomes as potential surface coatings for bone implants Materials Today Bio 7 (2020), |
 | Christoph Hauser, Camillo Ballani, Philipp Dürrenfeld, Frank Heyroth, Philip Trempler, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Evangelos Th. Papaioannou, Georg Schmidt Enhancement of Spin Mixing Conductance in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaNiO3/SrRuO3 Heterostructures Phys. Status Solidi B 257 (2020), 1900606 |
 | H. Zhang, D. J. Hagen, X. Li, A. Graff, F. Heyroth, B. Fuhrmann, I. Kostanovskiy, S. L. Schweizer, F.Caddeo, A. W. Maijenburg, S. Parkin, R. B. Wehrspohn: Atomic Layer Deposition of Cobalt Phosphide for Efficient Water Splitting Angew. Chem. Intern. Ed. 59 (2020), 17172-17176 |
 | Hala Alkhoury, Adrian Hautmann, Bodo Fuhrmann, Frank Syrowatka, Frank Erdmann, Guoying Zhou, Sanja Stojanovic, Stevo Najam, Thomas Groth Studies on the Mechanisms of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Heparin- and Hyaluronan-Containing Multilayer Coatings—Targeting NF-kB Signalling Pathway Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21 (2020), |
DAVY TESCH Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Verfahrens zur Bestimmung von Natriumkonzentrationen an Cu2ZnSnSe4 -Dünnschichtsolarzellen mittels Glimmentladungsspektroskopie Bachelorarbeit (2020), |
CLEMENS WITTKE Messung offener Volumina in Polymeren am Beispiel von S-SBR/BR-Mischungen Bachelorarbeit (2020), |
 | Yaqi Zhang, Jie Ge, Behzad Mahmoudi, Stefan Förster, Frank Syrowatka, A. Wouter Maijenburg, Roland Scheer Synthesis and Characterization of Spinel Cobaltite (Co3O4) Thin Films for Function as Hole Transport Materials in Organometallic Halide Perovskite Solar Cells ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (2020), 3755-3769 |
 | Y. Zhang, J. Ge, B. Mahmoudi, S. Förster, F. Syrowatka, A. W. Maijenburg, R. Scheer Synthesis and Characterization of Spinel Cobaltite (Co3O4) Thin Films for Function as Hole Transport Materials in Organometallic Halide Perovskite Solar Cells ACS Appl. Energy Mater 3 (2020), |
 | Catharina Husteden, Falko Doberenz, Nathalie Goergen, Shashank Reddy Pinnapireddy, Christopher Janich, Andreas Langner, Frank Syrowatka, Alexandros Repanas, Frank Erdmann, Jarmila Jedelská, Udo Bakowsky, Thomas Groth, Christian Wölk Contact-Triggered Lipofection from Multilayer Films Designed as Surfaces for in Situ Transfection Strategies in Tissue Engineering ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020), 8963-8977 |
 | D. Pidgayko, I. Sinev, D. Permyakov, S. Sychev, F. Heyroth, V. Rutckaia, J. Schilling, A. Lavrinenko, A. Bogdanov, A. Samusev Visualization of isofrequency contours of guided modes in all-dielectric hyperbolic-like metasurface Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials) (2019), 318-320 |
 | F. Heyroth, C. Hauser, P. Trempler, P. Geyer, F. Syrowatka, R. Dreyer, S.G. Ebbinghaus, G. Woltersdorf, G. Schmidt Monocrystalline Freestanding Three-Dimensional Yttrium-Iron-Garnet Magnon Nanoresonators Phys. Rev. Applied 12 (2019), 054031 |
 | S. Spannenberger, V. Miß, E. Klotz, J. Kettner, M. Cronau, A. Ramanayagam, F. di Capua, M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. Vogel, B. Roling: Annealing-induced vacancy formation enables extraordinarily high Li+ ion conductivity in the amorphous electrolyte 0.33 LiI?+?0.67 Li3PS4. Sol. State Ionics 341 (2019), |
 | MICHAEL CHILCOTE, MEGAN HARBERTS, BODO FUHRMANN, KATRIN LEHMANN, YU LU, ANDREW FRANSON, … EZEKIEL JOHNSTON-HALPERIN Spin-wave confinement and coupling in organic-based magnetic nanostructures APL Materials 7 (2019), |
 | F. HEYROTH, C. HAUSER, P. TREMPLER, P. GEYER, F. SYROWATKA, R. DREYER, … G. SCHMIDT. Monocrystalline Freestanding Three-Dimensional Yttrium-Iron-Garnet Magnon Phys. Rev. Appl. 12 (2019), |
 | Al-Khoury, E. Espinosa-Cano, M. R. Aguilar, J. S. Román, F. Syrowatka, G. Schmidt, T. Groth Anti-inflammatory surface coatings based on polyelectrolyte multilayers of heparin and polycationic nanoparticles of naproxen-bearing polymeric drugs. Biomacromolecules 20 (2019), |
 | M. Chilcote, M. Harberts, B. Fuhrmann, K. Lehmann, Y. Lu, A. Franson, H. Yu, N. Zhu, H. Tang, G. Schmidt, E. Johnston-Halperin: Spin-wave confinement and coupling in organic-based magnetic nanostructures APL Mater 7 (2019), |
 | S. Assali, M. Elsayed, J. Nicolas, M. O. Liedke, A. Wagner, M. Butterling, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Moutanabbir Vacancy complexes in nonequilibrium germanium-tin semiconductors Applied Physics Letters 114 (2019), |
 | Charlotte Feneis, Sven Steinbach, Hartmut Leipner Investigations of the Influence of LED Light on the Colour Stability of Mineral Pigments in Cellulose Binder Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications 05 (2019), 35-43 |
 | A. Müller, C. Sahin, M. Z. Minhas, B. Fuhrmann, M. E. Flatté, G. Schmidt Nanoscale tunnel field-effect transistor based on a complex-oxide lateral heterostructure Phys. Rev. Appl 11 (2019), |
 | D. Pidgayko, I. Sinev, D. Permyakov, S. Sychev, F. Heyroth, V. Rutckaia, J. Schilling, A. Lavrinenko, A. Bogdanov, A. Samusev: Direct imaging of isofrequency contours of guided modes in extremely anisotropic all-dielectric metasurface. ACS Photon 6 (2019), 510-515 |
 | T. Band, T. Mälzer, S. Wickert, H. S. Leipner, S. G. Ebbinghaus, K. Dörr, M. Diestelhorst Three different mechanisms of self-discharge behavior in poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoro-propylene) for dielectric energy storage. J. Phys. En. 1 (2019), |
 | Norman Quandt, Frank Syrowatka, Robert Roth, Lukas Bergmann, Kathrin Dörr, Stefan G.Ebbinghaus Spin-coating of epitaxial BaTiO3/CoFe2O4 thin films on single crystalline (001)-SrTiO3 Materials Chemistry and Physics (2019), |
 | T.Kavetskyy, M.O.Liedke, M.Butterling, A.Wagner, R.Krause-Rehberg, O.Sausa, L.Meshi, I.Dahang, J.Vacik, P.Horak, D.Fuks, N.Mykytenko, A.Kivfi Formation of heavy clusters in ion-irradiated compounds Vacuum 163 (2019), 135-141 |
 | Wycliffe, K. Kipnusu , Mahdy M. Elmahdy, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Friedrich Kremer Counterbalance between Surface and Confinement Effects As Studied for Amino-Terminated Poly (propylene glycol) Constraint in Silica Nanopores
Macromolecules (2019), |
 | Dmitry Pidgayko, Ivan Sinev, Dmitry Permyakov, Stanyslav Sychev, Frank Heyroth, Viktoriia Rutckaia, Joerg Schilling, Andrei Lavrinenko, Andrey Bogdanov, Anton Samusev Direct Imaging of Isofrequency Contours of Guided Modes in Extremely Anisotropic All-Dielectric Metasurface ACS Photonics 6 (2019), 510-515 |
 | T. Hölscher, T. Walter, T. Schneider, M. Maiberg, R. Scheer Device simulation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells by means of voltage dependent admittance spectroscopy. Thin Sol. Films 669 (2019), 345-350 |
Jennifer Arndt Präparation und GDOES Tiefenprofilierung von hochdotierten In2S3n Schichten für Zwischenbandsolarzellen. Masterarbeit (2019), |
Jens Glenneberg Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Zusammensetzung von 0–3 Kompositdielektrika neuartiger Kondensatoren zur Energiespeicherung. Dissertation (2019), |
Konstantin Holst Analyse der 3D Partikelverteilung in Keramik–Polymer-Kompositen Bachelorarbeit (2019), |
 | Alaaeldin M. H. Ibrahim The role of trace elements on formation of quenched-in vacancies and precipitation hardening in Al-alloys. Dissertation (2019), |
Lisa Mottl Charakterisierung einer mittels Spin-coating hergestellten, thermoresponsiven pNIPAM-Oberfläche. Bachelorarbeit (2019), |
Clemens Wittke Messung offener Volumina in Polymeren am Beispiel von S-SBR/BR-Mischungen Bachelorarbeit (2019), |
 | Gurunath Apte, Alexandros Repanas, Christian Willems, Anas Mujtaba, Christian E. H. Schmelzer, Ashok Raichur, Frank Syrowatka, and Thomas Groth Effect of Different Crosslinking Strategies on Physical Properties and Biocompatibility of Freestanding Multilayer Films Made of Alginate and Chitosan Macromol. Biosci 19 (2019), |
Antonia Rieche Untersuchungen zur schädigenden Wirkung von Licht an anorganischen Pigmenten Bachelorarbeit (2018), |
 | Reema Anouz
Alexandros Repanas
Elisabeth Schwarz
Thomas Groth Novel Surface Coatings Using Oxidized Glycosaminoglycans as Delivery Systems of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP-2) for Bone Regeneration Macromolecular Bioscience banner 18 (2018), |
 | M. Gaudig, M. Maiberg, M. Plapp, R. B. Wehrspohn Model for black silicon formation just from surface temperature non-uniformities J. Appl. Phys 124 (2018), |
Arrigo Facchini Laser Interference Lithography Technique for Back-Contact Microstructuring of Culn(1-x)Ga x Se 2 Solar Cells Masterarbeit (2018), |
Paul Nosenko Untersuchung von AL-SN-Legierungen unter abschrecken zu tiefen Temperaturen und anschließendes Ausheilen der eingeschreckten Leerstellen Bachelorarbeit (2018), |
 | Viktoriia Rutckaia, Joerg Schilling, Vadim Talalaev, Frank Heyroth, Alexey Novikov, Mikhail Shaleev, Mihail Petrov, Isabelle Staude Experimental demonstration of Purcell effect in silicon Mie-resonators with embedded Ge(Si) quantum dots (Conference Presentation) SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering 10721 (2018), |
 | Pegah Esmaeilzadeh, Matthias Menzel, Thomas Groth Cyclic Redox-Mediated Switching of Surface Properties of Thiolated Polysaccharide Multilayers and Its Effect on Fibroblast Adhesion ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018), |
 | Junchao Kong,
Bo Wie,
Thomas Groth,
Zhuming Chen,
Lihua Li,
Dongning He,
Rui Huang,
Jiaqi Chu,
Mingyan Zhao Biomineralization improves mechanical and osteogenic properties of multilayer-modified PLGA porous scaffolds J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 106 (2018), |
 | CHARLOTTE FENEIS, SVEN STEINBACH Untersuchungen zur Lichtschädigung an mineralischen Pigmenten – Farben im Laufe der Zeit Bauphysik 40 (2018), |
 | G.S.Lai, W.J.Lau, P.S.Goh, A.F.Ismai, Y.H.Tan, C.Y.Chong, R.Krause-Rehberg, S.Awad Tailor-made thin film nanocomposite membrane incorporated with graphene oxide using novel interfacial polymerization technique for enhanced water separation Chemical Engineering Journal 344 (2018), 524-534 |
 | Mohamed Elsayed
Reinhard Krause-Rehberg
Christian Eisenschmidt
Nadine Eißmann
Bernd Kieback Defect Study in CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy phys.stat.sol 215 (2018), |
 | G. Zhou, T. Groth Host Responses to Biomaterials and Anti-Inflammatory Design-a Brief Review
Wiley Online Library 18 (2018), |
 | Ahmed G. A. A. Elsherif Study of the pore systems of metal-organic frameworks, mesoporous silica, and low-k dielectric layers by means of positron annihilation spectroscopy Dissertation (2018), |
 | P. M. Piechulla, L. Muehlenbein, R. B. Wehrspohn, S. Nanz, A. Abass, C. Rockstuhl, A. Sprafke Fabrication of nearly-hyperuniform substrates by tailored disorder for photonic applications Adv. Opt. Mater. 6 (2018), |
 | P. Pistor, T. Burwig, C. Brzuska, B. Weber, W. Fränzel Thermal stability and miscibility of co-evaporated methyl ammonium lead halide (MAPbX3, X = I, Br, Cl) thin film analysed by in situ X-ray diffraction. J. Mater. Chem.A 6 (2018), |
 | Charlotte Feneis, Sven Steinbach Untersuchungen zur Lichtschädigung an mineralischen Pigmenten Farben im Laufe der Zeit Bauphysik 40 (2018), 214-219 |
 | P. Kavouras, I. Ratschinski, G.P. Dimitrakopulos, H.S. Leipner, Ph. Komninou, G. Leibiger & F. Habel Deformation and fracture in (0001) and (10-10) GaN single crystals Mater.Sci.Technol. 34 (2018), 1531-1538 |
 | Alexander Senichev, Pierre Corfdir, Oliver Brandt, Manfred Ramsteiner, Steffen Breuer, Jörg Schilling, Lutz Geelhaar & Peter Werner Electronic properties of wurtzite GaAs: A correlated structural, optical, and theoretical analysis of the same polytypic GaAs nanowire Nano Research volume 11 (2018), |
 | Bhavya K. Ekambaram, Marcus S. Niepel, Bodo Fuhrmann, Georg Schmidt,Thomas Groth Introduction of Laser Interference Lithography to Make Nanopatterned Surfaces for Fundamental Studies on Stem Cell Response ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 4 (2018), |
Charlotte Feneis , Sven Steinbach Schädigende Wirkungen von Licht an Baudenkmalen: am Beispiel der historischen Wandteppichmalerei der Schlosskirche Wittenberg Akademiker Verlag 2018 (2018), |
 | Markus S. Niepel, Fadi Almouhanna, Bhavya K Ekambaram, Matthias Menzel, Andreas Heilmann, Thomas Groth Cross-linking multilayers of poly-l-lysine and hyaluronic acid: Effect on mesenchymal stem cell behavior The International Journal of Artificial Organs 41 (2018), |
 | Skrzypek, Barrera, Groth, Stamatialis Endothelial and beta cell composite aggregates for improved function of a bioartificial pancreas encapsulation device. nt J Artif Organs. 41 (2018), |
 | Pegah Esmaeilzadeh, Alexander Köwitsch, Andrea Liedmann, Matthias Menzel, Bodo Fuhrmann, Georg Schmidt, Jessica Klehm, Thomas Groth Stimuli-Responsive Multilayers Based on Thiolated Polysaccharides That Affect Fibroblast Cell Adhesion ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018), |
 | Pegah Esmaeilzadeh, Alexander Köwitsch, Andrea Liedmann, Matthias Menzel, Bodo Fuhrmann, Georg Schmidt, Jessica Klehm, and Thomas Groth Stimuli-Responsive Multilayers Based on Thiolated Polysaccharides That Affect Fibroblast Cell Adhesion ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018), 8507-8518 |
 | Ehsan Ghobadi, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Holger Steeb Demonstrating the Influence of Physical Aging on the Functional Properties of Shape-Memory Polymers Polymers 10 (2018), |
Alexej Nossula Fraktionierung und Größenbestimmung der BaTiO3-Partikel zur Untersuchung der dielektrischen Eigenschaften von BTO-Kompositen. Bachelorarbeit (2018), |
 | T. Richter, M. Paleschke, M. Wahler, F. Heyroth, H. Deniz, D. Hesse, G. Schmidt Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in ultrathin SrRuO3 films around the percolation limit Physical Review B 96 (2017), |
 | Viktoriia Rutckaia , Frank Heyroth, Alexey Novikov, Mikhail Shaleev, Mihail Petrov , Joerg Schilling Quantum Dot Emission Driven by Mie Resonances in Silicon Nanostructures Nano Letters 17 (2017), 6886-6892 |
 | Pegah Esmaeilzadeh, Alexander Köwitsch, Frank Heyroth, Georg Schmidt, Steffen Fischer, Katja Richter, Thomas Groth Synthesis of thiolated polysaccharides for formation of polyelectrolyte multilayers with improved cellular adhesion CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 157 (2017), 1205-1214 |
 | Christoph Hauser, Christian Eisenschmidt, Tim Richter, Alexander Müller, Hakan Deniz, Georg Schmidt Annealing of amorphous yttrium iron garnet thin films in argon atmosphere Journal of Applied Physics 122 (2017), |
 | NormanQuandt, FrankSyrowatka, Robert Roth, Stefan G.Ebbinghausa Anisotropic crystallite growth and magnetic properties of MFe2O4 (M = Co, Mg, Cu) thin films prepared by spin-coating of N,N-dimethylformamide/acetic acid-solutions Thin Solid Films 636 (2017), 573-584 |
 | Yong-Tae Kim, Joerg Schilling, Stefan L.Schweizer, Guido Sauer, Ralf B.Wehrspohn Au coated PS nanopillars as a highly ordered and reproducible SERS substrate Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 25 (2017), 65-71 |
 | M. Z. Minhas, A. Müller, F. Heyroth, H. H. Blaschek & G. Schmidt Temperature dependent giant resistance anomaly in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 nanostructures Scientific Reports 7 (2017), |
 | T. Hölscher, S. Förster, T. Schneider, M. Maiberg, W. Widdra, R. Scheer: Light induced degradation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film surfaces. Appl. Phys. Lett (2017), |
 | M. Maiberg, T. Hölscher, E. Jarzembowski, S. Hartnauer, S. Zahedi-Azad, W. Fränzel, R. Scheer Verification of minority traps in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Cu2ZnSnSe4 by means of time-resolved photoluminescence. Thin Film Sol 633 (2017), 208-212 |
 | Guido Panzarasa, Stefano Aghion, Gianluigi Marra, Andreas Wagner, Maciej Oskar Liedke, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Rafael Ferragut, Giovanni Consolati Probing the Impact of the Initiator Layer on Grafted-from Polymer Brushes: A Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy Study Macromolecules 50 (2017), 5574-5581 |
 | Nikolay Arutyunov,
Vadim Emtsev,
Mohamed Elsayed,
Reinhard Krause-Rehberg,
Nikolay Abrosimov,
Gagik Oganesyan,
Vitalii Kozlovski Positron probing of open vacancy volume of phosphorus-vacancy complexes in float-zone n-type silicon irradiated by 0.9-MeV electrons and by 15-MeV protons phys.stat.sol.(c) 14 (2017), |
 | Daniel Oriwol, Matthias Trempa, Lamine Sylla, Hartmut S. Leipner Investigation of dislocation cluster evolution during directional solidification of multicrystalline silicon J. Cryst. Growth 463 (2017), 1-9 |
 | M.Elsayed, R.Krause-Rehberg As-vacancy complex in Zn-diffused Ga As: Positron lifetime spectroscopy study Scripta Materialia 131 (2017), 72-75 |
 | Isabelle Staude & Jörg Schilling Metamaterial-inspired silicon nanophotonics Nature Photonics 11 (2017), 274-284 |
 | Suvendu Sekhar Mondal, Subarna Dey, Ahmed G. Attallah, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Christoph Janiakb, Hans-Jürgen Holdt Insights into the pores of microwave-assisted metal-imidazolate frameworks showing enhanced gas sorption Dalton Trans. 46 (2017), |
 | Olga Wid, Jan Bauer, Alexander Müller, Otwin Breitenstein, Stuart S Parkin, Georg Schmidt Investigation of non-reciprocal magnon propagation using lock-in thermography Journal of Physics 50 (2017), |
 | Oliver Hauenstein, Md. Mushfequr Rahman, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause Rehberg, Seema Agarwal
Volker Abetz
Andreas Greiner Biobased Polycarbonate as a Gas Separation Membrane and Breathing Glass for Energy Saving Applications Adv.Mater.Technol. 2 (2017), |
 | Wycliffe K. Kipnusu, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause Rehberg, Friedrich Kremer Glassy dynamics of polymethylphenylsiloxane in one- and two-dimensional nanometric confinement-A comparison The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (2017), |
 | A. Wagner, W. Anwand, A. G. Attallah, G. Dornberg, M. Elsayed, D. Enke, A. E. M. Hussein, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. O. Liedke, K. Potzger, T. T. Trinh Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy at a superconducting electron accelerator
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 791 (2017), |
C.Hauser Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Yttrium- Eisen- Granat- Schichten Masterarbeit (2017), |
Jeen Jamil A study of glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy for the analysis of solid and layered materials. Masterarbeit (2017), |
Marco John: Untersuchung tiefenabhängiger Defektprofile mittels eines monoenergetischen Positronenstrahlsystems bei simultanem Ionenbeschuss. Dissertation (2017), |
Christian Kriete: Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Superkondensatorfolien mit Pedot:PSS-Kontaktierung. Masterarbeit (2017), |
Alexander Schindler Luftultraschall-Untersuchungen an Kohlenstofffaserverstärktem Kunststoff mit komplexer Geometrie und limitiertem Zugang Masterarbeit (2017), |
Chris Bluhm Untersuchungen des Ausheilverhaltens von abgeschreckten Al-0.025at%In-Legierungen mit Hilfe der digitalen Positronen-Lebensdauerspektroskopie Masterarbeit (2016), |
Eric Hirschmann Optimierung der Positronen-Annihilation-Lebensdauer-Spektroskopie durch die Einführung eines digitalen Messsystems und dessen Anwendung zur Untersuchung der Frühstadien in Aluminiumlegierungen Masterarbeit (2016), |
 | Arutyunov, V. Emtsev, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. Elsayed, G. Oganesyan, V. Kozlovskii Positron annihilation lifetime in float-zone n-type silicon irradiated by fast electrons: A thermally stable vacancy defect. phys. stat. Sol 13 (2016), |
 | E. Jarzembowski, B. Fuhrmann, H. Leipner, W. Fränzel, R. Scheer Ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with point-like back contact in experiment and simulation. Thin Sol. Films (2016), |
 | Enrico Jarzembowski, Thomas Schneider, Bodo Fuhrmann, Hartmut Leipner, Wolfgang Fränzel, Roland Scheer Enhanced Light Management in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells by Structured Rear Contacts OSA Technical Digest paper PW3B.4 (2016), |
Ayham Dalla Positronen-Annihilations-Spektroskopie an photovoltaischen Cu(InxGa1 - x)Se2-Schichten Dissertation (2016), |
Sandra Gutjahr Thermische Leerstellen in Aluminium-Indium-Legierungen (Al-0.025At%-In-Proben) Bachelorarbeit (2016), |
 | K. Dadzis, H. Behnken, T. Bähr, D. Oriwol, L. Sylla, T. Richter Numerical simulation of stresses and dislocations in quasi-mono silicon J. Cryst. Growth 450 (2016), 14-21 |
 | Suvendu Sekhar Mondal, Subarna Dey, Ahmed G. Attallah, Asamanjoy Bhunia, Alexandra Kelling, Uwe Schilde, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Christoph Janiak, Hans-Jürgen Holdt Missing Building Blocks Defects in a Porous Hydrogen-bonded Amide?Imidazolate Network Proven by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Chemistry Select 4320 (2016), 4320-4325 |
 | Angela C. Mora Huertas, Christian E.H. Schmelzer, Wolfgang Hoehenwarter, Frank Heyroth, Andrea Heinz Molecular-level insights into aging processes of skin elastin BIOCHIMIE 128 (2016), 163-173 |
 | Andreas Krause, Lamine Sylla, Daniel Oriwol Plastic Deformation as an Origin of Dislocations in Cast Mono En. Proc. 92 (2016), 833-838 |
 | Nikolay Arutyunov,
Vadim Emtsev,
Reinhard Krause-Rehberg,
Mohamed Elsayed,
Gagik Oganesyan,
Vitalii Kozlovskii Positron annihilation lifetime in float-zone n-type silicon irradiated by fast electrons: a thermally stable vacancy defect phys.stat.sol.(c) 13 (2016), 807-811 |
 | J. Ji, A. M. Colosimo, W. Anwand, L. A. Boatner, A. Wagner, P. S. Stepanov, T. T. Trinh, M. O. Liedke, R. Krause-Rehberg, T. E. Cowan & F. A. Selim ZnO Luminescence and scintillation studied via photoexcitation, X-ray excitation, and gamma-induced positron spectroscopy Scientific Reports 31238 (2016), |
 | M. Wahler, N. Homonnay, T. Richter, A. Müller, C. Eisenschmidt, B. Fuhrmann, G. Schmidt Inverse spin Hall effect in a complex ferromagnetic oxide heterostructure Sci. Rep. 6 (2016), |
 | Dr. Suvendu Sekhar Mondal,
Dr. Asamanjoy Bhunia,
Ahmed G. Attallah,
Dr. Philipp R. Matthes,
Alexandra Kelling,
Prof. Uwe Schilde,
Prof. Klaus Müller-Buschbaum,
Prof. Reinhard Krause-Rehberg,
Prof. Christoph Janiak,
Prof. Hans Jürgen Holdt, Study of the Discrepancies between Crystallographic Porosity and Guest Access into Cadmium-Imidazolate Frameworks and Tunable Luminescence Properties by Incorporation of Lanthanides Chemistry A European Journal 22 (2016), 6905-6913 |
 | Akira Uedono, Silvia Armini, Y Zhang, Takeaki Kakizaki, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Wolfgang Anwand, Andreas Wagner Surface sealing using self-assembled monolayers and its effect on metal diffusion in porous low-k dielectrics studied using monoenergetic positron beams Applied Surface Science 368 (2016), 272-276 |
 | Till Walther,Ulrich Straube, Roberto Köferstein, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus Hysteretic magnetoelectric behavior of CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 composites prepared by reductive sintering and reoxidation Journal of Materials Chemistry C 21 (2016), 4792-4799 |
 | R. Göckeritz, N Homonnay, A. Alexander, B. Fuhrmann, G. Schmidt: Resistive switching and voltage induced modulation of tunneling magnetoresistance in nanosized perpendicular organic spin valves. AIP Adv 6 (2016), |
 | Akira Uedono, Muhammad M.Islam, Takeaki Sakurai, Christoph Hugenschmidt, WernerEgger, Roland Scheer, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Katsuhiro Akimoto Vacancy behavior in Cu(In1 _ xGax)Se2 layers grown by a three-stage coevaporation process probed by monoenergetic positron beams Thin Solid Films 603 (2016), 418-423 |
 | M. Z. Minhas, H. H. Blaschek, F. Heyroth, G. Schmidt Sidewall depletion in nano-patterned LAO/STO heterostructures AIP Advances 6 (2016), 035002 |
 | Christoph Hauser, Tim Richter, Nico Homonnay, Christian Eisenschmidt, Mohammad Qaid, Hakan Deniz, Dietrich Hesse, Maciej Sawicki, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus & Georg Schmidt Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films with Very Low Damping Obtained by Recrystallization of Amorphous Material Scientific Reports 6 (2016), |
 | Hans Uhlig, Gamal Adouane, Chris Bluhm, Steve Zieger, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Dirk Enke Positron-Annihilation-Lifetime-Spectroscopy (PALS) for the characterization of bimodal silica-gel synthesized by pseudomorphic transformation Journal of Porous Materials 23 (2016), 139-144 |
 | Getahun Paulos, Yahya Mrestani, Frank Heyroth, Tsige Gebre-Mariam, Reinhard H.H. Neubert Fabrication of acetylated dioscorea starch nanoparticles: Optimization of formulation and process variables Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 31 (2016), 83-92 |
 | Neha Sardana, Vadim Talalaev, Frank Heyroth, Georg Schmidt, Christian Bohley, Alexander Sprafke, Joerg Schilling Localized surface plasmon resonance in the IR regime Opt. Expr. 24, 1 (2016), 254-261 |
M.Baumann Prozessierung großflächiger Substrate im Rahmen des neuartigen Konzeptes der bewegten Belichtung Masterarbeit (2016), |
C.Erhardt Kompositdielektrika als Energiespeicher Dissertation (2016), |
T.Fläschel Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Superkondensatorfolien mittels Linearbeschichtung Masterarbeit (2016), |
J.Hamperl Vergleich verschiedener Kontaktierungsverfahren für Superkondensatoren Bachelorarbeit (2016), |
Steve Lippold Präparation und Charakterisierung von Si-Nanostrukturen für die Thermoelektrik Masterarbeit (2016), |
Ivan Smirnov Positronen Untersuchungen an porösen Systemen Bachelorarbeit (2016), |
 | Nick Bergau, Stefan Bennewitz, Frank Syrowatka, Gerd Hause, Alain Tissier The development of type VI glandular trichomes in the cultivated tomato Solanum lycopersicum and a related wild species S. habrochaites BMC Plant Biology (2015), |
 | N. Bergau, S. Bennewitz, F. Syrowatka, G. Hause, A. Tissier The development of type VI glandular trichomes in the cultivated tomato Solanum lycopersicum and a related wild species S. habrochaites. BMC Plant Biology 15 (2015), |
 | V. G. Talalaev, B. V. Novikov, G. E. Cirlin, H. S. Leipner Temperature quenching of spontaneous emission in tunnel-injection nanostructures. Semicond. 49, 11 (2015), 1483-1492 |
 | M. Elsayed, N. Yu. Arutyunov, R. Krause-Rehberg, G. A. Oganesyan, V. V. Kozlovski Formation and annealing of vacancy-P complexes in proton-irradiated germanium. Acta Mater. 100 (2015), 1-10 |
 | Ludwig Stockmeier, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Markus Zschorsch, Lothar Lehmann, Jochen Friedrich Electrically Inactive Dopants in Heavily Doped As-Grown Czochralski Silicon. Solid State Phenom. 242 (2015), 10-14 |
 | Nikolai Yu. Arutyunov, M. Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Vadim V. Emtsev, Gagik A. Oganesyan, Vitalii V. Kozlovski Similarity of Atomic Configurations of Thermally Stable Positron-Sensitive Complexes Produced with 0.9-MeV Electrons and 15-MeV Protons in n-FZ-Si:P Crystals. Solid State Phenom. 242 (2015), 296-301 |
 | Norman Quandt, Robert Roth, Frank Syrowatka, Matthias Steimecke, Stefan G.Ebbinghaus Spin-Coating and Characterization of Multiferroic MFe2O4 (M=Co, Ni) / BaTiO3 Bilayers Journal of Solid State Chemistry 233 (2015), 82-89 |
 | N. Arutyunov, M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, V. Emtsev, G. Oganesyan, V. Kozlovski Thermally stable vacancy complexes in silicon n-FZ-Si(P) irradiated with 0.9 MeV electrons and 15 MeV protons. 16th International Conference on Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology (2015), |
 | Nadine Geyer, Nicole Wollschläger, Bodo Fuhrmann, Alexander Tonkikh, Andreas Berger, Peter Werner, Marco Jungmann, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, S. Leipner Influence of the doping level on the porosity of silicon nanowires prepared by metal-assisted chemical etching. Nanotechnol. 26, 24 (2015), 245301 |
 | Martin Schade, Bodo Fuhrmann, Angelika Chassé, Frank Heyroth, Mauricio Roczen, Hartmut S. Leipner Distinction between amorphous and crystalline silicon by means of electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Appl. Phys. A (2015), |
 | V. G. Talalaev, B. V. Novikov, G. E. Cirlin, H. S. Leipner Temperature quenching of spontaneous emission in tunnel injection nanostructures. Fiz. Techn. Poluprov. 49, 11 (2015), 1531-1539 |
 | Robert Göckeritz, Nico Homonnay, Alexander Müller, Tim Richter, Bodo Fuhrmann, Georg Schmidt Nanosized perpendicular organic spin-valves. Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 10 (2015), 102403 |
Philipp Fobe Untersuchung photovoltaischer Schichten mittels Positronenannihilation Masterarbeit (2015), |
 | Vadim G. Talalaev, George E. Cirlin, Boris V. Novikov, Bodo Fuhrmann, Peter Werner, Jens W. Tomm Ex post manipulation of barriers in InGaAs tunnel injection devices. J. Appl. Phys. 106, 1 (2015), 013104 |
M. Jungmann Konzeption und Aufbau des Positronenstrahlsystems MePS, PAS-Messungen an porösen low-k-Schichten Dissertation (2015), |
Ingmar Ratschinski Versetzungsaktivität und Rissbildung in Galliumarsenid und Galliumnitrid Dissertation (2015), |
Goerg Michler, Hartmut Leipner, Dieter Katzer Elektronenmikroskopie in Halle. Elektronenmikroskopie in Halle (Saale). Stand, Perspektiven, Anwendungen. Halle: Heinz-Bethge-Stiftung (2014), 10-15 |
 | Jens Glenneberg, Mandy Zenkner, Gerald Wagner, Sebastian Lemm, Claudia Ehrhardt, Wolfram Münchgesang, Alexandra Buchsteiner, Martin Diestelhorst, Horst Beige, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Hartmut S. Leipner Morphological and microstructural investigations of composite dielectrics for energy storage. RSC Advances 4 (2014), 61268-61276 |
M. S. Niepel, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, T. Groth Combined topographical and chemical cues on planar surfaces alter the performance of human fibroblasts. Bionanomater. 15, S1 (2014), S157 |
 | Stefan Hartnauer, Leonard A. Wägele, Frank Syrowatka, Gunar Kaune, Roland Scheer Co-evaporation process study of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films by in situ light scattering and in situ X-ray diffraction. phys. stat. sol. (a) (2014), |
 | Thomas Burwig Justierung des Scansystems eines Rastertransmissionselektronenmikroskops. Bachelorarbeit (2014), |
 | Mingyan Zhao, Lihua Li, Changren Zhou, Frank Heyroth, Bodo Fuhrmann, Karsten Maeder, Thomas Groth Improved stability and cell response by intrinsic cross-linking of multilayers from collagen I and oxidized glycosaminoglycans. Biomacromolecules (2014), |
 | V. G. Talalaev, G. E. Cirlin, L. I. Goray, B. V. Novikov, M. E. Labzovskaya, J. W. Tomm, P. Werner, B. Fuhrmann, J. Schilling, P. N. Racec Effect of nanobridges on the emission spectra of a quantum dot-quantum well tunneling pair. Semicond. 48, 9 (2014), 1178-1184 |
 | Claudia Ehrhardt, Christian Fettkenhauer, Jens Glenneberg, Wolfram Münchgesang, Hartmut S. Leipner, Gerald Wagner, Martin Diestelhorst, Christoph Pientschke, Horst Beige, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus Enhanced dielectric properties of sol-gel-BaTiO3/P(VDF-HFP) composite films without surface functionalization. RSC Adv. 4, 76 (2014), 40321-40329 |
 | Hartmut S. Leipner Nicht technologieneutral. Phys. J. 13, 7 (2014), 13 |
 | Koksal Yildiz, Unal Akgul, Hartmut S Leipner, Yusuf Atici Microstructure of thermoelectric (Bi0.15Sb0.85)2Te3 film. Appl. Phys. A 117 (3) (2014), 1387-1392 |
 | Neha Sardana, Tobias Birr, Sven Schlenker, Carsten Reinhardt, Jörg Schilling Surface plasmons on ordered and bi-continuous spongy nanoporous gold. New J. Phys. 16 (6) (2014), 063053 |
 | A. A. Tonkikh, N. D. Zakharov, C. Eisenschmidt, H. S. Leipner, P. Werner Aperiodic SiSn/Si Multilayers for Thermoelectric Applications. J. Cryst. Growth 392 (2014), 49-51 |
 | J. Bartos, H. Svajdlenkova, M. Lukesova, Y. Yu, R. Krause-Rehberg Molecular dynamics and free volume in organic glass-formers: A series of oligomer and polymer 1,4-poly (isoprene) Chem. Phys. Lett. 602 (2014), 28-33 |
Eric Hirschmann Konzept für einen digitalen Positronen-Lebensdauer-Messplatz auf der Basis von internationalen Forschungsergebnissen. Bachelorarbeit (2014), |
 | N. Y. Arutyunov, V. V. Emtsev, R. Krause-Rehberg, C. Kessler, M. Elsayed, G. A. Oganesyan, V. V. Kozlovski Cascade phonon-assisted trapping of positrons by divacancies in n-FZ-Si (P) single crystals irradiated with 15 MeV protons. AIP Conf. Proc. 1583, 41 (2014), 41-45 |
 | M. Schade, T. Mchedlidze, M. Kittler, H. S. Leipner Light induced crystallization of an amorphous silicon film embedded between silicon oxide layers. phys. stat. sol. (b) 251(2) (2014), 439-445 |
 | Martin Schade, Bodo Fuhrmann, Christian Bohley, Sven Schlenker, Neha Sardana, Jörg Schilling, Hartmut S. Leipner Regular arrays of Al nanoparticles for plasmonic applications J. Appl. Phys. 115, 8 (2014), 084309 |
 | V. G. Talalaev, G. E. Cyrlin, L. I. Goraj, B. V. Novikov, M. E. Labzovskaja, J. W. Tomm, P. Werner, B. Fuhrmann, J. Schilling, P. N. Racec Vlijanie nanomostikov na spektr izlutschenija tunnel'noj pary kvantovaja totschka - kvantovaja jama. Fiz. teh. poluprov. 48, 9 (2014), 1209-1216 |
C. Bluhm Positronen-Lebensdauermessungen an Silikagelen Bachelorarbeit (2014), |
T. Cudrig Defektstudien an photovoltaischen CIGS-Schichten mittels Positronenannihilation Bachelorarbeit (2014), |
L. Fröhlich Untersuchung von Nanoporen in dielektrischen low-k Schichten Bachelorarbeit (2014), |
Daniel Oriwol Die Versetzungsstruktur von multikristallinem Silicium aus der industriellen VGF-Blockkristallisation Dissertation (2014), |
 | Ada Wille, Benjamin Reuters, Matthias Finken, Frank Heyroth, Georg Schmidt, Michael Heuken, Holger Kalisch, Andrei Vescan Strain relief mechanisms and growth behavior of superlattice distributed Bragg reflectors phys. stat. sol. C 11 (2014), 758-761 |
 | I. Höger, T. Schmidt, A. Landgraf, M. Schade, A. Gawlik, G. Andrä, H.S. Leipner, and F. Falk In situ excimer laser irradiation as cleaning tool for solid phase epitaxy of laser crystallized polycrystalline silicon thin films phys. stat. sol. (a) 210, 12 (2013), 2729-2735 |
 | Claudia Ehrhardt, Christian Fettkenhauer, Jens Glenneberg, Wolfram Münchgesang, Hartmut S. Leipner, Martin Diestelhorst, Sebastian Lemm, Horst Beige, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
A solution-based approach to composite dielectric films of surface functionalized CaCu3Ti4O12 and P(VDF-HFP). J. Mater. Chem. A 2 (7) (2013), 2266-2274 |
 | Marcus S. Niepel, Bodo Fuhrmann, Hartmut S. Leipner, Thomas Groth Nanoscaled surface patterns influence adhesion and growth of human dermal fibroblasts. Langmuir 29, 43 (2013), 13278-13290 |
 | D. Oriwol, E.-R. Carl, A. N. Danilewsky, L. Sylla, W. Seifert, M. Kittler, H. S. Leipner Small-angle subgrain boundaries emanating from dislocation pile-ups in multicrystalline silicon studied with synchrotron white-beam X-ray topography. Acta Mater. 61, 18 (2013), 6903-6910 |
 | Martin Schade Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie an polymorphen Siliziumnanostrukturen Dissertation (2013), |
 | Zheng Li, Alexander Köwitsch, Guoying Zhou, Thomas Groth, Bodo Fuhrmann, Marcus Niepel, Elkin Amado, Jörg Kressler Enantiopure chiral poly(glycerol methacrylate) self-assembled monolayers knock down protein adsorption and cell adhesion. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2, 10 (2013), 1377-1387 |
Hendrik Tzscheutschler Positronen-Lebensdauerspektroskopie von Schwefelsodalith Bachelorarbeit (2013), |
 | Kong-Boon Yeap, Malgorzata Kopycinska-Mueller, Lei Chen, Yu Chen, Marco Jungmann, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Sukesh Mahajan, Joost Vlassak, Martin Gall, Ehrenfried Zschech? The effect of the pore topology on the elastic modulus of organosilicate glasses. J. Mater. Res. 28 (9) (2013), 1262-1268 |
 | M. S. Niepel, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, T. Groth The combination of topographical and chemical stimuli controls adhesion and growth of human fibroblasts. Intern. J. Art. Organs 36, 8 (2013), 551 |
Mathias Albrecht Methoden zur Strukturierung von Mo-Elektroden mittels Laserinterferenz- und Nanoimprintlithographie. Bachelorarbeit (2013), |
 | C. Ehrhardt, C. Fettkenhauer, J. Glenneberg, W. Münchgesang, C. Pientschke, T. Großmann, M. Zenkner, G. Wagner, H. S. Leipner, A. Buchsteiner, M. Diestelhorst, S. Lemm, H. Beige, S. G. Ebbinghaus BaTiO3-P(VDF-HFP) nanocomposite dielectrics - Influence of surface modification and dispersion additives. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 178 (2013), 881-888 |
 | M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, B. Korff, I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner Divacancy complexes induced by Cu diffusion in Zn-doped GaAs. Eur. Phys. J. B 86 (2013), 358 |
 | M. Grünewald, J. Kleinlein, F. Syrowatka, F. Würthner, L. W. Molenkamp, G. Schmidt Large room-temperature magnetoresistance in lateral organic spin valves fabricated by in situ shadow evaporation. Org. Electron. 14 (2013), 2083-2086 |
 | Martin Hempel, Jens W. Tomm, Fabio La Mattina, Ingmar Ratschinski, Martin Schade, Ivan Shorubalko, Michael Stiefel, Hartmut S. Leipner, Frank M. Kießling, Thomas Elsaesser Microscopic origins of catastrophic optical damage in diode lasers. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 19, 4 (2013), 1500508 |
 | Koksal Yildiz, Unal Akgul, Hartmut S. Leipner, Yusuf Atici Electron microscopy study of thermoelectric n-type Bi2(Te0.9Se0.1)3 film deposited by dc sputtering. Superlatt. Microstruct. 6 (2013), 60-71 |
 | J. Schilling, V. Talalaev, A. Tonkikh, B. Fuhrmann, F. Heyroth, M. Otto Enhanced non-radiative recombination in the vicinity of plasma-etched side walls of luminescing Si/Ge-quantum dot structures. J. Appl. Phys. 103, 16 (2013), 161106 |
 | Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Holger Krause, Frank Syrowatka Floating Zone Growth of Large and Defect-free Ca12Al14O33 Single Crystal. Crystal Growth Design 13, 7 (2013), 2990-2994 |
 | Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Hartmut S. Leipner, Peter Werner Ag-Mediated charge transport during metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon nanowires. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5, 10 (2013), 4302-4308 |
 | Claudia Kutza, Hendrik Metz, Johannes Kutza, Frank Syrowatka, Karsten Mäder Toward a detailed characterization of oil adsorbates as "solid liquids". Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 84, 1 (2013), 172-182 |
Nathanael Wüst Untersuchung der Bewegung von Versetzungen in (0001) Galliumnitrid mittels Kathodolumineszenz. Bachelorarbeit (2013), |
 | M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, B. Korff, S. Richter, H. S. Leipner Identification of As-vacancy complexes in Zn-diffused GaAs. J. Appl. Phys. 113, 9 (2013), 094902 |
 | C. Pientschke Numerische Untersuchungen zur Verteilung von Feldgrößen in piezoelektrischen Fasern und inhomogenen Dielektrika. Dissertation (2013), |
 | Maurizio Roczen, Abdelazize Laades, Martin Schade, Thomas Barthel, Jose Ordeñez, Jan Amaru Töfflinger, Enno Malguth, Florian Ruske, Caspar Leendertz, Lars Korte, Hartmut S. Leipner, Bernd Rech Structural properties of Si/SiO2 nanostructures grown by decomposition of substoichiometric SiOxNy layers for photovoltaic applications. phys. stat. sol. (a) 210, 4 (2013), 676-681 |
 | I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner, F. Heyroth, W. Mook, J. Michler, W. Fränzel, G. Leibiger and F. Habel Cracks and dislocations at Vickers, Berkovich and cube corner indentations in (0001) GaN single crystals physica status solidi c 10 (1) (2013), 76-79 |
 | M. Jungmann, J. Haeberle, R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, J. M. Johnson, T. E. Cowan First Experiments with MePS. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 443 (1) (2013), 012088 |
 | D. S. Zvezhinskiy, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, S. V. Stepanov Account of the intratrack radiolytic processes for interpretation of the AMOC spectrum of liquid water. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 443 (1) (2013), 012057 |
Lukas Doege Thermoelektrische Eigenschaften von nc-Si in einer Aluminiumoxidmatrix. Bachelorarbeit (2012), |
 | Martin Dubslaff Charakterisierung niedrigdimensionaler Halbleiterstrukturen mittels nanofokussierter Röntgenstrahlen. Dissertation (2012), |
Tilman Teschner Untersuchung der Elektronenbeugung an nanokristallinen Strukturen mit der Rastertransmissionselektronenmikroskopie. Bachelorarbeit (2012), |
Marcel Below Untersuchung an neuartigen Kondensatoren zur Energiespeicherung von 0-3-Kompositen. Bachelorarbeit (2012), |
Eva Maria Zollner Modifikation der optischen Eigenschaften von metallischen Nanopartikeln für photovoltaische Anwendungen. Bachelorarbeit (2012), |
 | M. S. Niepel, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, T. Groth Chemically modified nanostructures influencing mammalian cell adhesion Intern. J. Art. Organs 35, 8 (2012), 565 |
 | C. Khare, J. W. Gerlach, T. Höche, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, B. Rauschenbach Effects of annealing on arrays of Ge nanocolumns formed by glancing angle deposition. Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 (2012), 9762-9769 |
 | Tino Rublack, Martin Schade, Markus Muchow, Hartmut S. Leipner, Gerhard Seifert Proof of damage-free selective removal of thin dielectric coatings on silicon wafers by irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses. J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012), 023521 |
 | I. Ratschinski, H.S. Leipner, F. Heyroth, W. Fränzel, G. Leibiger, F. Habel The effect of the indenter orientation on the formation of dislocations and cracks in (0001) GaN bulk crystals. Mater. Sci. Forum 725 (2012), 67-70 |
 | Martin Schade, Hartmut S. Leipner, Wolfgang Fränzel Spectroscopic investigation of silicon polymorphs formed by indentation. Mater. Sci. Forum 725 (2012), 199-202 |
 | N. Sardana, F. Heyroth, J. Schilling Propagating surface plasmons on nanoporous gold. JOSA B 29, 7 (2012), 1778-1783 |
 | V. G. Talalaev, A. A. Tonkih, N. D. Zaharov, A. V. Senicev, J. W. Tomm, P. Werner, B. V. Novikov, L. V. Asryan, B. Fuhrmann, J. Schilling, H. S. Leipner, A. D. Buravlev, Ju. B. Samsonenko, A. I. Hrebtov, I. P. Sosmikov, G. E. Zyrlin Svetoizlucajuscie tunnel'nye nanostruktury na osnove kvantovyh tocek b matrice krenija i arsenida gallija (in Russian). Fiz. tehn. poluprovod. 46, 11 (2012), 1492-1503 |
 | Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Zhipeng Huang, Johannes de Boor, Hartmut S. Leipner, Peter Werner Model for the mass transport during metal-assisted chemical etching with contiguous metal films as catalysts. J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012), 13446-13451 |
Christian Koppka Nasschemisches KOH-Ätzen von Si-Substraten. Masterarbeit (2012), |
Jörg Haeberle Defektstudie an Fe-Cr-Legierungen. Diplomarbeit (2012), |
 | A. A. Tonkikh, N. Geyer , B. Fuhrmann , H. S. Leipner , P. Werner Pathway of Porous Silicon Formation Inside Si Nanowires Throughout Metal Assisted Etching. MRS Proc. 1408 (2012), MRSF11 |
 | Maurizio Roczen, Martin Schade, Enno Malguth, Gordon Callsen, Thomas Barthel, Orman Gref, Jan A. Töfflinger, Andreas Schöpke, Manfred Schmidt, Hartmut S. Leipner, Florian Ruske, Matthew R. Phillips, Axel Hoffmann, Lars Korte, Bernd Rech Structural investigations of silicon nanostructures grown by self-organized island formation for photovoltaic applications. Appl. Phys. A 108 (2012), 719-726 |
 | D. Oriwol, M. Hollatz, M. Reinecke Control of Dislocation Cluster Formation and Development in Silicon Block Casting. En. Proc. 27 (2012), 66-69 |
 | V. G. Talalaev, A. A. Tonkikha, N. D. Zakharov, A. V. Senichev, J. W. Tomm, P. Werner,
B. V. Novikov, L. V. Asryan, B. Fuhrmann, J. Schilling, H. S. Leipner, A. D. Bouraulev, Yu. B. Samsonenko, A. I. Khrebtov, I. P. Soshnikov, G. E. Cirlin Ligh-emitting tunneling nanostructures based on quantum dots in a Si and GaAs Matrix. Semicond. 46, 11 (2012), 1460-1470 |
 | Jin-Biao Pang, Hartmut S. Leipner, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Zhu Wang, Kai Zhou. Hui Li Thermal stability of defects in plastically deformed silicon studied by positron lifetime spectroscopy Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27, 3 (2012), 035023 |
 | Tino Rublack, Stefan Hartnauer, Michael Mergner, Markus Muchow, Martin Schade, Hartmut S. Leipner, Gerhard Seifert Mechanism of selective removal of transparent layers on semiconductors using ultrashort laser pulses. Proc. SPIE 8247 (2012), 82470Z |
T. Bähr, H. Behnken, M. Lohan, M. Hollatz, D. Oriwol Residual stresses in multicrystalline silicon: Test of different measurement techniques and comparison with simulation results. EU PVSEC Proc. Frankfurt (2012), 642-646 |
M. Muchow Defektuntersuchungen an CIGS-Schichten mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation Masterarbeit (2012), |
 | Maurizio Roczen, Enno Malguth, Martin Schade, Andreas Schöpke, Abdelazize Laades, Michael Blech, Orman Gref, Thomas Barthel, Jan Amaru Töfflinger, Manfred Schmidt, Hartmut S. Leipner, Lars Korte, Bernd Rech Comparison of growth methods for Si/SiO2 nanostructures as nanodot heteroemitters for photovoltaic application. J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 358 (2011), 2253-2256 |
 | A. A. Tonkikh, N. D. Zakharov, A. V. Novikov, K. E. Kudryavtsev, V. G. Talalaev, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, P. Werner Sb mediated formation of Ge/Si quantum dots: Growth and properties. Thin Sol. Films (2011), |
 | A. Buchsteiner, M. Zenkner, T. Großmann, C. Ehrhardt, M. Diestelhorst, S. Lemm, W. Münchgesang, C. Pientschke, J. Glenneberg, H. Beige, S. G. Ebbinghaus, H. S. Leipner Investigation of 0-3 composites for novel capacitors and energy storage. Proc. SPIE 8102 (2011), 81021A |
 | H.S. Leipner, N. Geyer, F. Syrowatka, H. Cheng, B. Fuhrmann Fabrication of complex structures with an array of nanopinhole cameras. Proc. SPIE 8102 (2011), 81020W |
 | C. Khare, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, J. Bauer, B. Rauschenbach Optimized growth of Ge nanorod arrays on Si patterns. .J Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29 (2011), 051501 |
 | X. Ou, N. Geyer, R. Kögler, P. Werner, W. Skorupa Acceptor deactivation in individual silicon nanowires: From thick to ultrathin. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 (2011), 253103 |
M. Niepel, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, T. Groth Multischichten aus synthetischen und Biopolymeren steuern die Zelladhäsion auf nanostrukturierten Oberflächen. Biomater. 12 (1-4) (2011), 143 |
S. Hollstein, E. Hoffmann, J. Vogel, F. Heyroth, N. Prochnow, P. Maurer Micromorphometrical analyses of five different ultrasonic osteotomy devices at the rabbit skull. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 22, 5 (2011), |
 | Christoph Pientschke, Ralf Steinhausen, Sabine Kern, Horst Beige Modelling of the measured longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient of single ceramic fibres with annular electrodes. Smart Mater. Struct. 20, 5 (2011), 2011 |
 | Otwin Breitenstein, Hartmut S. Leipner, Peter Werner (Ed.) 10th International workshop Beam injection Assessment of microstructures in semiconductors. (2011), |
Otwin Breitenstein, Hartmut S. Leipner Preface. phys. stat. sol. (c) 8, 4 (2011), A7 |
 | I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner, F. Heyroth, W. Fränzel, R. Hammer, M. Jurisch Dislocations and cracks at Vickers indentations in GaN and GaAs bulk crystals. phys. stat. sol. (c) 8, 4 (2011), 1325-1329 |
 | Zhipeng Huang, Nadine Geyer, Peter Werner, Johannes de Boor, Ulrich Gösele Metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon: A review. Adv. Mater. 23 (2011), 285-308 |
 | Ingmar Ratschinski, Hartmut S. Leipner, Frank Heyroth, Wolfgang Fränzel, Osama Moutanabbir, Ralf Hammer, Manfred Jurisch Indentation-induced dislocations and cracks in (0001) freestanding and epitaxial GaN. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 281, 1 (2011), 012007 |
 | M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Moutanabbir, W. Anwand, S. Richter, C. Hagendorf Cu diffusion-induced vacancy-like defects in freestanding GaN. New J. Phys. 13 (2011), 013029 |
J.-S. Baudler Messungen zur Defektdichte an FeCr-Legierungen Bachelorarbeit (2011), |
J. de Boor Fabrication and thermoelectric characterization of nanostructured silicon Dissertation (2011), |
M. Elsayed The appearance of vacancies during Cu and Zn diffusion in III?V compound semiconductors Dissertation (2011), |
Nadine Geyer Nanostrukturierung von Silizium durch metallinduziertes Nassätzen Dissertation (2011), |
S. Kretschmer Thermische Leitfähigkeit nanostrukturierter Dünnschichten Diplomarbeit (2011), |
Y. Yu Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy: Studies of amorphous and crystalline molecular materials Dissertation (2011), |
 | Z. P. Huang, N. Geyer, L. F. Li, M. Y. Li, P. Zhong Metal-assisted electrochemical etching of silicon Nanotechnol. 21, 46 (2010), 465301 |
 | A. Szeghalmi, M. Helgert,R. Brunner, F. Heyroth,U. Gosele, M. Knez Tunable Guided-Mode Resonance Grating Filter Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 13 (2010), 2053-2062 |
 | K. Rothe, M. Stordeur, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka, H.S. Leipner Electrical and structural real-time changes in thin thermoelectric (Bi0.15Sb0.85)(2)Te3 films by dynamic thermal treatment. J. Electron. Mater. 39, 9 (2010), 1408-1412 |
 | Hans Roggendorf, Frank Syrowatka, Joerg Trempler Corrosion of sodium silicate glasses in aqueous solutions - influence of pH. Phys. Chem. Glasses 51, 6 (2010), 318-322 |
 | Markus Trutschel Thermoelektische Eigenschaften von Si/Ge-Nanostrukturen. Diplomarbeit (2010), |
 | Claudia Ehrhardt, Bodo Fuhrmann, Martin Diestelhorst, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus BaTiO3-polymer composites. Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 636, 11 (2010), 2114 |
 | Zhipeng Huang, Tomohiro Shimizu, Stephan Senz, Zhang Zhang, Nadine Geyer, Ulrich Gösele Oxidation rate effect on the direction of metal-assisted chemical and electrochemical
etching of silicon. J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010), 10683-10690 |
 | K. Rothe, M. Stordeur, H. S. Leipner Power factor anisotropy of p-type and n-type conductive thermoelectric Bi-Sb-Te thin films. J. Electron. Mater. 39, 9 (2010), 1395-1398 |
 | I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner, F. Heyroth, W. Fränzel, R. Hammer, M. Jurisch Dislocations and cracks at Vickers indentations in (0001) GaN single crystals. Phil. Mag. Lett. 90 (8) (2010), 565-571 |
 | J. V. Wittemann, A. Kipke, E. Pippel, S. Senz, A. T. Vogel, J. de Boor, D. S. Kim, T. Hyeon, V. Schmidt Citrate-stabilized palladium nanoparticles as catalysts for sub-20 nm epitaxial silicon nanowires. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 (2010), 023105 |
 | Nico Hommonay Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz an planen und strukturierten Metalloberflächen Diplomarbeit (2010), |
 | C. Khare, C. Patzig, J. W. Gerlach, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann Influence of substrate temperature on glancing angle deposited Ag nanorods. J Vac. Sci. Technol. A 28, 4 (2010), 1002 |
 | Juergen Reif, Olga Varlamova, Markus Ratzke, Martin Schade, Hartmut S. Leipner, Tzanimir Arguirov Multipulse feedback in self-organized ripples formation upon femtosecond laser ablation from silicon Appl Phys A 101 (2010), 361–365 |
 | Christian Patzig, Chinmay Khare, Bodo Fuhrmann, Bernd Rauschenbach Periodically arranged Si nanostructures by glancing angle deposition on patterned substrates. phys. stat. sol. (b) 247, 6 (2010), 1322-1334 |
 | Andreas Wolfsteller Comparison of the top-down and bottom-up approach to fabricate axial nanowire-based silicon/germanium heterostructures. Dissertation (2010), |
 | O. Moutanabbir, R. Scholz, U. Gösele, A. Guittoum, M. Jungmann, M. Butterling, R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, W. Egger, P. Sperr Experimental elucidation of vacancy complexes associated with hydrogen ion-induced splitting of bulk GaN Phys. Rev. B 81 (11) (2010), 115205 |
 | Johannes de Boor, Nadine Geyer, Jörg V Wittemann, Ulrich Gösele, Volker Schmidt Sub-100 nm silicon nanowires by laser interference lithography and metal-assisted etching. Nanotechnol. 21, 9 (2010), 095302 |
 | M. Schade, O. Varlamova, J. Reif, H. Blumtritt, W. Erfurth, H. S. Leipner High-resolution investigations of ripple structures formed by femtosecond laser irradiation of silicon Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 396 (2010), 1905-1911 |
 | Zhidan Zeng, Xiangyang Ma, Jiahe Chen, Deren Yang, Ingmar Ratschinski, Frank Hevroth, Hartmut S. Leipner Effect of oxygen precipitates on dislocation motion in Czochralski silicon J. Cryst. Growth 312, 2 (2010), 169-173 |
 | Juergen Reif, Olga Varlamova, Mourad Bounhalli, Tzanimir Arguirov, Martin Schade, Hartmut S. Leipner Long-time feedback in self-organized nanostructures formation upon multi-pulse femtosecond laser ablation. Proc SPIE 7586 (2010), 75860H |
P. Das Kanungo On the doping of silicon nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy Dissertation (2010), |
A. Pohl Simulationen und erste Messungen am Positronenstrahlsystem EPOS Diplomarbeit (2010), |
F. Süßkraut Positronenannihilation als Methode zur Charakterisierung von low-k Materialien Diplomarbeit (2010), |
 | H. Nitzsche, A. Lochmann, H. Metz, A. Hauser, F. Syrowatka, E. Hempel, T. Müller, T. Thurn-Albrecht, K. Mäder Fabrication and characterization of a biomimetic composite scaffold for bone defect repair J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 94A (1) (2010), 298-307 |
 | Maik Butterling, Wolfgang Anwand, Gerhard Brauer, Thomas E. Cowan, Andreas Hartmann, Marco Jungmann, Krasimir Kosev, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Arnold Krille, Ronald Schwengner, Andreas Wagner Positron annihilation spectroscopy using high-energy photons phys. stat. sol. (a) (2009), |
 | Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Wolfgang Anwand, Gerhard Brauer, Maik Butterling, Tom Cowan, Andreas Hartmann, Marco Jungmann, Arnold Krille, Ronald Schwengner, Andreas Wagner Progress of the EPOS project: Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS) phys. stat. sol. (c) 6 (11) (2009), 2451-2455 |
 | Katrin Bertram, Matthias Stordeur, Frank Heyroth, Hartmut S. Leipner Dynamic in situ observations of electrical and structural changes in thin thermoelectric (Bi0.15Sb0.85)2Te3 films J. Appl. Phys. 106 (6) (2009), 063711 |
 | V. A. Sivakov, R. Scholz, F. Syrowatka, F. Falk, U Gösele, S. H. Christiansen Silicon nanowire oxidation: the influence of sidewall structure and gold distribution Nanotechn. 20 (40) (2009), 405607 |
 | Adriana Szeghalmi, Michael Helgert, Robert Brunner, Frank Heyroth, Ulrich Gösele, Mato Knez Atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 and TiO2 multilayers for applications as bandpass filters and antireflection coatings. Appl. Optics 48 (9) (2009), 1727-1732 |
 | Nadine Geyer, Zhipeng Huang, Bodo Fuhrmann, Silko Grimm, Manfred Reiche, Trung-Kien Nguyen-Duc, Johannes de Boor, Hartmut S. Leipner, Peter Werner, Ulrich Gösele Sub-20 nm Si/Ge superlattice nanowires by metal-assisted etching Nano Lett. 9 (9) (2009), 3106-3110 |
 | G. Radhakrishnan, A. Freundlich, B. Fuhrmann Chemical beam epitaxy of highly ordered network of tilted InP nanowires on silicon. J. Cryst. Growth 311, 7 (2009), 1855-1858 |
 | Johannes de Boor, Nadine Geyer, Ulrich Gösele, Volker Schmidt Three-beam interference lithography: upgrading a Lloyd?s interferometer for single-exposure hexagonal patterning. Opt. Lett. 34, 12 (2009), 1783-1785 |
 | Martin Schade, Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Frank Heyroth, Peter Werner, Hartmut S. Leipner High-resolution analytical electron microscopy of silicon nanostructures phys. stat. sol. (c) 6 (3) (2009), 690-695 |
 | Martin Schade, Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Frank Heyroth, Hartmut S. Leipner High-resolution analytical electron microscopy of catalytically etched silicon nanowires Appl. Phys. A 95 (2009), 325-327 |
 | I. Abdulhalim, Alina Karabchevsky,Christian Patzig, Bernd Rauschenbach, Bodo Fuhrmann, Evgeni Eltzov, Robert Marks, Jian Xu, Fan Zhang, Akhlesh Lakhtakia Surface-enhanced fluorescence from metal sculptured thin films with application to biosensing in water Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 (2009), 063106 |
 | Ingmar Ratschinski, Frank Heyroth, Wolfgang Fränzel, Hartmut S. Leipner Anisotropy of crack and dislocation formation in GaAs phys. stat. sol. (c) (2009), |
G. Radhakrishnan, A. Freundlich, I. Rusakova, B. Fuhrmann Growth of semiconductor nanowires using rapidly and uniformly generated metal growth centers. 34th IEEE Photovoltaic specialists conference Philadelphia (2009), 1275-1277 |
Steffi Deiter, Christian Eisenschmidt, Thomas Teubner, Gerd Schadow, Uwe Jednritzki, Anne Kathrin Gerlitzke, Frank Syrowatkaa, Frank Heyroth, Torsten Boeck, Michael Hanke Growth observations of SiGe/Si island by means of in?itu x-ray diffraction Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1146 (2009), NN10-08 |
 | C. Patzig, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, B. Rauschenbach Silicon nanocolumns on nanosphere lithography templated substrates: Effects of sphere size and
substrate temperature J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8, 12 (2008), 1-7 |
 | Peter Maurer, Marcus S. Kriwalsky, Rafael Block Veras, Jürgen Vogel, Frank Syrowatka, Christian Heiss Micromorphometrical analysis of
conventional osteotomy techniques and
ultrasonic osteotomy at the rabbit skull Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 19 (2008), 570–575 |
 | C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner Growth of Si nanorods in honeycomb and hexagonal-closed-packed arrays using glancing angle deposition J. Appl. Phys. 103 (2008), 024313 |
 | Mohamed Elsayed, Vladimir Bondarenko, Konrad Petters, Jörg Gebauer, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg Vacancy generation during Cu diffusion in GaAs J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008), 103526 |
 | C. Patzig, T. Karabacak, B. Fuhrmann, B. Rauschenbach Glancing angle sputter deposited nanostructures on rotating substrates: Experiments and simulations J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008), 094318 |
 | A. Rahm, M. Lorenz, T. Nobis, G. Zimmermann, M. Grundmann, B. Fuhrmann, F. Syrowatka Pulsed laser deposition and characterization of ZnO nanowires with regular lateral arrangement Appl. Phys. A 88, 1 (2007), 31-34 |
 | H. S. Leipner, M. Kittler Preface phys. stat. sol. (c) 4, 8 (2007), VIII |
 | H. S. Leipner (Ed.) Proceedings of the International conference on Extended defects in semiconductors (EDS 2006) Weinheim: Wiley-VCH (2007), |
 | L. Schubert Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Silizium Nanodrähten mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie Dissertation (2007), |
 | M. Schade, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka, H. S. Leipner, T. Boeck, M. Hanke Investigation of the chemical composition profile of SiGe/Si(001) islands by analytical transmission electron microscopy Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 (2007), 263101 |
 | Vladimir Sivakov, Frank Heyroth, Fritz Falk, Gudrun Andrä, Silke Christiansen Silicon nanowire growth by electron beam evaporation: kinetic and energetic contributions to the growth morphology. J. Cryst. Growth 300, 2 (2007), 288-293 |
 | J. Bauer, V. Gottschalch, H. Paetzelt, G. Wagner, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner MOVPE growth and real structure of vertical-aligned GaAs nanowires J. Cryst. Growth 298 (2007), 625-630 |
 | J. Bauer, F. Fleischer, O. Breitenstein, L. Schubert, P. Werner, U. Gösele, M. Zacharias Electrical properties of nominally undoped silicon nanowires grown by molecular-beam epitaxy Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 (2007), 012105 |
 | M. Hanke, C. Eisenschmidt, P. Werner, N. D. Zakharov, R. Syrowatka, F. Heyroth, P. Schäfer, O. Konovalov Elastic strain relaxation in axial Si/Ge whisker heterostructures Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007), 161303R |
M. Schade, F. Heyroth, H. S. Leipner, M. Hanke Combined HRXRD and EELS investigations of SiGe/Si(001) islands grown by means of liquid phase epitaxy. Microsc. Microanal. 13 (2007), Suppl. 3 |
 | S. Thraenert, E. M. Hassan, D. Enke, D. Fuerst, R. Krause-Rehberg Verifying the RTE model: ortho-positronium lifetime measurement on controlled pore glasses. phys. stat. sol. (c) 4, 10 (2007), 3819-3822 |
 | M. Hanke, T. Boeck, A.-K. Gerlitzke, F. Syrowatka, F. Heyroth Elastic strain relaxation in discontinuous wetting layers and its impact on lateral ordering of heteroepitaxial dots Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006), 153304 |
 | T. Höche, R. Böhme, J. W. Gerlach, B. Rauschenbach, F. Syrowatka Nanoscale laser patterning of thin gold films Phil. Mag. Lett. 86 (10) (2006), 661-667 |
 | P. Werner, N. D. Zakhaarov, G. Gerth, L. Schubert, U. G?sele On the formation of Si nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy Intern. J. Mater. Res. 97, 7 (2006), 1008-1015 |
 | V. V. Mikhnovich Formation of defects at high temperature plastic deformation of gallium arsenide Dissertation (2006), |
 | J. Zhang, F. Paumier, T. H?che, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka,
R. J. Gaboriaud, H. S. Leipner Electron energy-loss spectroscopy investigations of Y2O3 films on Si (001) substrate Thin Sol. Films 496 (2006), 266-272 |
 | H. J. Fan, B. Fuhrmann, R. Scholz, F. Syrowatka, A. Dadgar, A. Krost, M. Zacharias Well-ordered ZnO nanowire arrays on GaN substrate fabricated via nanosphere lithography J. Cryst. Growth 287 (2006), 34-38 |
 | N. D. Zakharov, P. Werner, G. Gerth, L. Schubert, L. Sokolov, U. G?sele Growth phenomena of Si and Si/Ge nanowires on Si (111) by molecular beam epitaxy J. Cryst. Growth 290 (2006), 6-10 |
 | H. J. Fan, B. Fuhrmann, R. Scholz, C. Himcinschi, A. Berger, H. Leipner, A. Dadgar, A. Krost, S. Christiansen, U. G?sele, M. Zacharias Vapour-transport-deposition growth of ZnO nanostructures: switch between c-axial wires and a-axial belts by indium doping Nanotechnol. 17 (2006), S231-239 |
 | C. Heiliger, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka, H. S. Leipner, I. Maznichenko, K. Kokko, W. Hergert, I. Mertig Orientation-dependent electron-energy-loss spectroscopy of TiO2: A comparison of theory and experiment Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006), 045129 |
 | A. Abdolvand, A. Podlipensky, S. Matthias, F. Syrowatka, U. G?sele, G. Seifert, H. Graener Metallodielectric two-dimensional photonic structures made by electric-field microstructuring
of nanocomposite glasses
Adv. Mater. 17, 24 (2005), 2983-2987 |
 | B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, H.-R. H?che. L. Schubert, P. Werner, U. G?sele Ordered arrays of silicon nanowires produced by nanosphere lithography and molecular beam epitaxy
Nano Lett. 5, 12 (2005), 2524-2527 |
 | T. H?che, F. Heyroth, M. Grodzicki, P. A. van Aken Coordination of transition-metals in glasses from high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy phys. stat. sol. (a) 202, 12 (2005), 2355-2360 |
 | G. Seifert, M. Kaempfe, F. Syrowatka, C. Harnagea, D. Hesse, H. Graener Self-organized structure formation on the bottom of femtosecond laser ablation craters in glass Appl. Phys. A 81 (2005), 799-803 |
 | M. Hanke, T.Boeck, A.-K. Gerlitzke, F.Syrowatka, F. Heyroth Unidirectional self-assembling of SiGe Stranski-Krastanow islands on Si(113) Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (2005), 223109 |
 | H.-R. Höche Nachruf auf Otto Brümmer Phys. J. 6 (2005), 60 |
 | M.Hanke, T.Boeck, A.-K.Gerlitzke, F.Syrowatka, F.Heyroth, R.K?hler Size, shape and ordering of LPE-SiGe/Si(001) islands grown under far non-equilibrium growth conditions Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (2005), 142101 |
 | J. Zhang, A. Visinoiu, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka, M. Alexe, D. Hesse, H. S. Leipner High-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy of BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers Physical Review B 71 (2005), 064108-064114 |
 | H. S. Leipner, H. Lei Diffusion-drift-aggregation model of the interaction of point defects and dislocations in semiconductors phys. stat. sol. (c) 2 (6) (2005), 1859-1863 |
 | V. Bondarenko, J. Gebauer, F. Redmann, R. Krause-Rehberg Vacancy formation in GaAs under different equilibrium conditions Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 (2005), 161906 |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, H. S. Leipner Positron annihilation in condensed matter Encyclopedia pf physics. Ed. R. G. Lerner, G. L. Trigg. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH 2nd edition (2005), |
 | Jingmin Zhang Application of Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy to Ferroelectric Thin Films Dissertation (2004), |
 | T. H?che, P. A. van Aken, M. Grodzicki, F. Heyroth, R. Keding, R. Uecker Electron energy-loss spectroscopy at incommensurately modulated crystalline and glassy Ba2TiGe2O8 Phil. Mag. 84, 29 (2004), 3117-3132 |
 | P. A. van Aken, T. H?che, F. Heyroth, R. Keding, R. Uecker Insights into oxygen-cation bonding in fresnoite-type structures from OK- and Ti L-23-electron energy-loss spectra and ab initio calculations of the electronic structure Phys. Chem. Minerals 31, 8 (2004), 543-552 |
 | H.J. Fan, R. Scholz, F.M. Kolb, M. Zacharias, U. G?sele, F. Heyroth, C. Eisenschmidt, T. Hempel, J. Christen On the growth mechanism and optical properties of ZnO multi-layer nanosheets
Applied Physics A 79 (8) (2004), 1895-1900 |
 | H.-R. H?che, H. S. Leipner, H. Graener Editorial Scientia halensis 12, 2 (2004), S4 |
 | F. Heyroth, B. Fuhrmann Nanostrukturen ? Von der Natur geschaffen Scientia halensis 12, 2 (2004), 5-6 |
 | H.-R. H?che Nanostrukturen... Modeerscheinung in den Materialwissenschaften? Scientia halensis 12, 2 (2004), 7-8 |
 | H. S. Leipner, P. Werner Atome sehen ? Mikroskope f?r kleinste Strukturen Scientia halensis 12, 2 (2004), 9-10 |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, H. S. Leipner EPOS ? eine neue intensive Positronenquelle f?r die Materialforschung Scientia halensis 12, 2 (2004), 13-14 |
 | H. S. Leipner Die Objekte sind winzig ? die Chancen riesig
Das Innovationsforum ?Nanostrukturierte Materialien? Scientia halensis 12, 2 (2004), S19 |
 | H. S. Leipner, Z. Wang. H. Gu, V. V. Mikhnovich, V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg, J.-L. Demenet, J. Rabier Defects in silicon plastically deformed at room temperature phys. stat. sol. (a) 201, 9 (2004), 2021-2028 |
 | Hartmut S. Leipner, Hans-Reiner Höche (Ed.) Nanostrukturierte Materialien im Blickpunkt der Wissenschaft. Scientia Halensis Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2004), |
 | G. Seifert, M. Kaempfe, F. Syrowatka, C. Harnagea, D. Hesse ,H. Graener Self-organized structure formation on the bottom of femtosecond laser ablation craters in glass Applied Physics A Online First (2004), |
 | H. S. Leipner, R. Krause-Rehberg Positron annihilation studies of open-volume defects in silicon Progress in silicon materials - From microelectronics to photovoltaics and optoelectronics. Ed. D. Yang. Beijing: Science Press (2004), pp. 202-214 |
 | M.Hanke, M.Schmidbauer, R.K?hler, F.Syrowatka, A.-K.Gerlitzke, T.Boeck Equilibrium shape of SiGe Stranski-Krastanow islands on silicon grown by liquid phase epitaxy Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 (2004), 5228-5230 |
 | L. Schubert, P. Werner, N. D. Zakharov, G. Gerth, F. M. Kolb, L. Long, U. G?sele, T. Y. Tan Silicon nanowhiskers grown on <111>Si substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 24 (2004), 4968-4970 |
 | H. Lei, H. S. Leipner, V. Bondarenko, J. Schreiber Identification of the 0.95 eV luminescence band in n-type GaAs:Si J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 16 (2004), S279-285 |
 | M. R?ssel, H.-R. H?che, H. S. Leipner, D. V?ltzke, H.-P. Abicht, O. Hollricher, J. M?ller, S. Gablenz Raman microscopic investigations of BaTiO3 precursors with core-shell structure Analyt. Bioanalyt. Chem. 380 (2004), 157-162 |
V. S. Stepanyuk, P. Bruno, A. L. Klavsyuk, A. N. Baranov, W. Hergert,
A. M. Saletsky, I. Mertig Structure and quantum effects in atomic-sized contacts Phys. Rev. B 69 (2004), 033302 |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, N. van der Walt, L. B?ttner, F. B?rner A 22-Na positron source for use in UHV Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 221 (2004), 165-167 |
 | G. Dlubek, V. Bondarenko, I. Y. Al-Qaradawi, D. Kilburn, R. Krause-Rehberg The structure of the free volume in poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) from positron lifetime and pressure vvolume temperature (PVT) experiments II. Local free volume from positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) Macromol. Chem. Phys. 205 (2004), 512-522 |
 | N. Yu. Arutyunov, R. Krause-Rehberg Atomic environment of positrons annihilating in different parts of Cz-Si single crystal Solid State Phen. 95-96 (2004), 507-512 |
 | V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg, H. Feick, C. Davia Defects in FZ-silicon after neutron irradiation - A positron annihilation and photoluminescence study J. Mater. Sci. 39 (2004), 919-923 |
 | V. Bondarenko, J. Gebauer, F. Redmann, R. Krause-Rehberg Vacancy formation in GaAs under different equilibrium conditions Mater. Sci. Forum 445-446 (2004), 54-56 |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, V. Bondarenko, J. P?pping, N. A. Stolwijk, T. E. M. Staab, U. S?dervall Observation of vacancies during Zn diffusion in GaP Mater. Sci. Forum 445-446 (2004), 26-30 |
 | Hartmut S. Leipner (Ed.) Innovationsforum Nanostrukturierte Materialien Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2003), |
 | H. Lei Effect of point defects and dislocations on electrical and optical properties of III-V semiconductors Dissertation (2003), |
 | D. Böschel, M. Janich, H. Roggendorf Size distribution of colloidal silica in sodium silicate solutions investigated by dynamic light scattering and viscosity measurements J. Colloid Interface Sci. 267, 2 (2003), 360-368 |
 | H. S. Leipner, V. V. Mikhnovich, V. Bondarenko, Z. Wang. H. Gu, R. Krause-Rehberg, J.-L. Demenet, J. Rabier Positron annihilation of defects in silicon deformed at different temperatures Physica B 340-342 (2003), 617-621 |
 | J. Gebauer, M. Lausmann, F. Redmann, R. Krause-Rehberg, H. S. Leipner, E. R. Weber, P. Ebert Determination of the Gibbs free energy of formation of Ga vacancies in GaAs by positron annihilation Phys. Rev. B 67, 23 (2003), 235207 |
 | D. Lorenz, A. Zeckzer, U. Hilpert, P. Grau, H. Johansen, H. S. Leipner Pop-in effect as homogeneous nucleation of dislocations during nanoindentation Virt. J. Nanoscale Sci. Technol. 7, 20 (2003), |
 | D. Lorenz, A. Zeckzer, U. Hilpert, P. Grau, H. Johansen, H. S. Leipner Pop-in effect as homogeneous nucleation of dislocations during nanoindentation Phys. Rev. B 67 (2003), 172101 |
 | Z. Wang, H. S. Leipner, R. Krause-Rehberg, V. Bodarenko, H. Gu Defects properties in plastically deformed silicon studied by positron lifetime measurements Microelectron. Eng. 66, 1-4 (2003), 358-366 |
 | H. Lei, H. S. Leipner, N. Engler Why are arsenic clusters situated at dislocations in gallium arsenide? Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 8 (2003), 1218-1220 |
 | U. Schmidt, C. Eisenschmidt, F. Syrowatka, R. Bartusch, C. Y. Zahra, A. M. Zahra Structure development in amorphous Al-La alloys J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 15 (2003), 385-413 |
 | M. R?ssel, S. Gablenz, T. M?ller, A. R?der, H.-P. Abicht A core-shell structured BaTiO3 precursur preparation, characterization and potential Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 375, 2 (2003), 310-314 |
K. Kokko, V. Kulmala, J. A. Leiro, W. Hergert Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra of magnesium diboride Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003), 2758 |
R. Hillebrand, S. Senz, W. Hergert, U. G?sele Macroporous-silicon-based three-dimensional photonic crystal with alarge complete band gap J. Appl. Phys. 94 (2003), |
R. Hillebrand, C. Jamois, J. Schilling. R. B. Wehrspohn, W. Hergert Computation of optical properties of Si-based photonic crystals with varying pore diameters phys. stat. sol. (b) 240 (2003), 124 |
W. Hergert, M. D?ne Group theoretical investigations of photonic band structures phys. stat. sol. (a) 197 (2003), 620 |
D. K?dderitzsch, W. Hergert, Z. Szotek, W. M. Temmerman Vacancy-induced half-metallicity in MnO and NiO Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003), 125114 |
V. S. Stepanyuk, A. N. Baranov, W. Hergert, P. Bruno Ab initio study of interaction between magnetic adatoms on metal surfaces Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003), 205422 |
S. Pick, V. S. Stepanyuk, A. N. Baranov, W. Hergert, P. Bruno Effect of atomic relaxations on magnetic properties of adatoms and small clusters Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003), 104410 |
O. V. Lysenko, V. S. Stepanyuk, W. Hergert, J. Kirschner Interlayer mass transport in homoepitaxy on the atomic scale Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003), 033409 |
P. Zahn, J. Binder, I. Mertig Impurity scattering and giant magnetoresistance Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003), 100403 |
B. Yu. Yavorsky, I. Mertig, V. N. Antonov Oscillatory behavior in transport properties of Co/Ni superlattices Phase transitions 76 (2003), 481 |
I. Mertig GMR-Effekt In: Effekte der Physik und ihre Anwendungen (Verlag Harri Deutsch) (2003), |
 | G. Dlubek, V. Bondarenko, J. Pionteck, D. Kilburn, G. Pompe, C. Taesler, F. Redmann, K. Petters, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. A. Alam Studies of interdiffusion in polymer blends by PALS Rad. Phys. Chem. 68 (2003), 369-373 |
 | M. Mohsen, R. Krause-Rehberg, A. M. Massoud, H. T. Langhammer Donor-doping effect in BaTiO3 ceramics using positron annihilation spectroscopy Rad. Phys. Chem. 68 (2003), 549-552 |
 | G. Dlubek, M. Supej, V. Bondarenko, J. Pionteck, G. Pompe, R. Krause-Rehberg, I. Emri Otho-positronium lifetime distribution analyzed with MELT and LT and free volume in poly(e-caprolactone) during glass transition, melting, and crystallization J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 41 (2003), 3077-3088 |
 | G. Dlubek, V. Bondarenko, J. Pionteck, M. Supej, A. Wutzler, R. Krause-Rehberg Free volume in two differently plasticized poly(vinyl chloride)s: a positron lifetime and PVT study Polymer 44 (2003), 1921-1926 |
 | H. Lei, H. S. Leipner, J. Schreiber, J. L. Weyher, T. Wosinski, I. Grzegory Raman and cathodoluminescence study of dislocations in GaN J. Appl. Phys. 92, 11 (2002), 6666-6670 |
 | J. Gebauer, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. Prokesch, K. Irmscher Identification and quantitative evaluation of compensating Zn-vacancy-donor complexes in ZnSe by positron annihilation Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002), 115206 |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, F. B?rner, F. Redmann, W. Egger, G. K?gel, P. Sperr, W. Triftsh?user Improved defect profiling with slow positrons Appl. Surf. Sci. 194 (2002), 210-213 |
 | H. Lei, H. S. Leipner, N. Engler, J. Schreiber Interactions of point defects with dislocations in n-type silicon-doped GaAs J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 14 (2002), 7963-7971 |
 | M. Ueltzen, I. Martinek, F. Syrowatka, U. Floegel-Delor, T. Riedel Soldered Ohmic contacts to superconductors for high-current applications Phys. C 372-376 (2002), 1653-1656 |
 | H. S. Leipner, D. Lorenz, A. Zeckzer, H. Lei, P. Grau Nanoindentation pop-in effect in semiconductors Physica B 308-310, 1-4 (2001), 446-449 |
 | I. Eckardt, S. Henning, F. Syrowatka, R. Gerlach, H. J. Hein Mechanical changes of bone caused by X-ray radiation of low doses Der Radiologe 41 (2001), 695-699 |
 | H. S. Leipner Wechselwirkungen zwischen Versetzungen und Punktdefekten in Halbleitern Habilitation (2001), |
 | F. Heyroth, J. Zellner, H.-R. H?che, C. Eisenschmidt, E. Weckert, M. Drakopoulous Pinhole topography in the three-beam case of x-ray diffraction - experiment and theory J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34, 10A (2001), 151-157 |
 | H. Lei Melting of free copper clusters J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13,13 (2001), 3023-3030 |
 | N. Engler, H. S. Leipner, R. F. Scholz, J. Schreiber, P. Werner Interaction of copper and sulfur with dislocations in GaAs Sol. State Phenom. 78-79 (2001), 331-340 |
 | K. Edelmann, M. Janich, E. Hoinkis, W. Pyckhout-Hintzen, S. H?ring The aggregation behavior of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers in organic solvents Macromol. Chem. Phys. 202, 9 (2001), 1638-1644 |
 | N. Engler, H. S. Leipner, R. F. Scholz, P. Werner, U. G?sele Study of As self-diffusion in GaAs using sulfur as a tracer Physica B 308-310, 1-4 (2001), 742-744 |
 | V. Bondarenko, K. Petters, R. Krause-Rehberg, J. Gebauer, H. S. Leipner Study of vacancy-type defects after Cu diffusion in GaAs Physica B 308-310 (1-4) (2001), 792-795 |
 | T. E. M. Staab, M. J. Puska, M. Hakkala, A. Sieck, M. Haugk, T. Frauenheim, H. S. Leipner Irradiation experiment revisited - Stability and positron lifetime of large vacancy clusters in silicon Mater. Sci. Forum 363-365 (2001), 135-137 |
 | H. S. Leipner, C. G. H?bner, T. E. M. Staab, R. Krause-Rehberg Open volume defects in plastically deformed semiconductors Mater. Sci. Forum 363-365 (2001), 61-63 |
H.-R. Höche, A. Röder, F. Heyroth Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) an wasserhaltigen Objekten und Biomaterialien Scientia halensis 9, 2 (2001), 7-8 |
 | K. Petters, J. Gebauer, F. Redmann, H. S. Leipner, R. Krause-Rehberg Formation of vacancy clusters during copper diffusion in semiinsulating GaAs Mater. Sci. Forum 363-365 (2001), 111-113 |
H. S. Leipner, D. Lorenz, A. Zeckzer, and P. Grau Dislocation-related pop-in effect in gallium arsenide physica status solidi (a) 183, 2 (2001), R4-6 |
S. Gablenz, C. Damm, F. M?ller, G. Israel, M. R?ssel, A. R?der, H.-P. Abicht Preparation and characterization of core-shell structured TiO2-BaCO3 particles Sol. State Sci. 3 (2001), 291-299 |
 | H. S. Leipner, C. G. H?bner, T. E. M. Staab, M. Haugk , A. Sieck, R. Krause-Rehberg, T. Frauenheim Vacancy clusters in plastically deformed semiconductors J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 12 (2000), 10071-10078 |
 | R. F. Scholz, P. Werner, U. G?sele, N. Engler, H. S. Leipner Determination of arsenic diffusion parameters by sulfur indiffusion in gallium arsenide J. Appl. Phys. 88,12 (2000), 7045-7050 |
 | H. H. R. Neubert, A. Hildebrand, M. Janich, Y. Mrestani, M. Pl?tzer Stabile Physiologische Mischmizellen, eine zukunftstr?chtige Arzneiform Pharmazeut. Z. 44 (2000), |
 | T. Patzlaff, M. Janich, G. Seifert, H. Graener Ultrafast dynamics of water-AOT-octane microemulsions Chem. Phys. 261, 3 (2000), 381-389 |
 | Y. Mrestani, M. Janich, H. H. R?ttinger, R. H. H. Neubert Characterization of partition and thermodynamic properties of cephalosporins using micellar electrokinetic chromatography in glycodeoxycholic acid solution J. Chromatogr. A 873, 2 (2000), 237-246 |
 | Frank Heyroth Röntgentopographischer Kontrast im Dreistrahlfall der Interferenz Dissertation (2000), |
 | M. Haugk, J. Elsner, T. Frauenheim, T. E. M. Staab, C. D. Latham, R. Jones, H. S. Leipner, T. Heine, G. Seifert, M. Sternberg Structures, energetics and electronic properties of complex III-V semiconductor systems phys. stat. sol. (b) 217,1 (2000), 473-511 |
 | H. S. Leipner, C. G. H?bner, P. Grau, R. Krause-Rehberg Defect investigations in plastically deformed gallium arsenide Physica B 273-274 (1999), 710-713 |
 | H. S. Leipner, R. F. Scholz, N. Engler, F. B?rner, P. Werner, U. G?sele Diffusivity of arsenic interstitials in GaAs studied by sulfur in-diffusion Physica B 273-274 (1999), 697-700 |
 | T. E. M. Staab, M. Haugk, A. Sieck, T. Frauenheim, H. S. Leipner Magic number vacancy aggregates in Si and GaAs - structure and positron lifetime studies Physica B 273-274 (1999), 501-504 |
 | T. E. M. Staab, M. Haugk, T. Frauenheim, H. S. Leipner Magic number vacancy aggregates in GaAs: Structure and positron lifetime studies Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 26 (1999), 5519-5522 |
 | H. S. Leipner, R. F. Scholz, F. Syrowatka, J. Schreiber, P. Werner Copper diffusion in dislocation-rich gallium arsenide Phil. Mag. A 79,11 (1999), 2785-2802 |
 | J. Neumann-Zdralek Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Fresnoitbildung in Bariumtitanatkeramik Dissertation (1999), |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, H. S. Leipner Positron annihilation in semiconductors Berlin: Springer-Verlag ISBN 3-540-64371-0 (1999), Springer series in solid-state sciences 127 |
E. Langer, S. D?britz, A. R?der, W. Hauffe Studies of polycrystalline materials by Pseudo Kossel technique Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 365 (1999), 212-216 |
 | N. Engler, H. S. Leipner, R. F. Scholz, P. Werner, F. Syrowatka, J. Schreiber, U. G?sele Investigations of extended defects after sulfur diffusion in GaAs Sol. State Phen. 69-70 (1999), 443-448 |
 | F. Heyroth, H.-R. H?che and C. Eisenschmidt Contrast in X-ray section topographs of perfect silicon crystals using the Laue-Laue three-beam case of diffraction J. Appl. Cryst. 32 (1999), 489-496 |
 | F. Heyroth, H.-R. H?che and C. Eisenschmidt Imaging of the energy flow in the three-beam case of X-ray diffraction J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32 (1999), A133-138 |
 | H. S. Leipner, C. Hübner, T. E. M. Staab, M. Haugk, R. Krause-Rehberg Positron annihilation at dislocations and related point defects in semiconductors phys. stat. sol. (a) 171 (1999), 377-382 |
 | J. Schreiber, L. H?ring, H. Uniewski, S. Hildebrandt, H. S. Leipner Recognition and distribution of A(g) and B(g) dislocations in indentation zones on {111} and {110} surfaces of CdTe phys. stat. sol. (a) 171 (1999), 89-97 |
 | F. Heyroth, C. Eisenschmidt, H.-R. H?che X-ray topography of perfect crystals using the Laue-Laue three-beam case of diffraction Cryst. Res. Technol. 33 (1998), 547-554 |
R. Krause-Rehberg, H. S. Leipner, A. Polity, F. Rudolf, R. Hammer, M. Jurisch Mechanical damage in GaAs wafers introduced by a diamond saw: A study by means of positron annihilation and electron microscopy phys. stat. sol. (a) 158,2 (1998), 377-383 |
 | C. Medrano, F. Heyroth, M. Schlenker, J. Baruchel and J.Espeso Two- and Three-Beam X-ray Diffraction Imaging of Domains in Magnetite J. Appl. Cryst. 31 (1998), 726-732 |
 | S. Hildebrandt, J. Schreiber, W. Hergert, H. Uniewski, H. S. Leipner Theoretical fundamentals and experimental materials and defect studies using quantitative scanning electron microscopy-cathodoluminescence/electron beam induced current on compound semiconductors Scanning Microsc. Intern. 12, 4 (1998), 535-552 |
 | H.-R. H?che Wie die Bienen "Werkstoff" sparen... Scientia halensis 2 (1998), 3-4 |
Neumann-Zdralek J., Koschel F., R?der A., Abicht H.-P., Engler N., Riemann A. Nanoscopical phase-analysis of SiC containing BaTiO3-ceramic Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 361 (1998), 562-564 |
S. Gablenz, D. V?ltzke, H.-P. Abicht, J. Neumann-Zdralek Preparation of fine TiO2 powders via spray hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 17, 7 (1998), 537-539 |
Wellner A., Katzer D., Blumtritt H., R?der A. High resolution EBIC imaging of shallow p-n junction using FEG-SEM Proc. GADEST (1998), 442-444 |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, H. S. Leipner, T. Abgarjan, A. Polity Review of defect investigations by means of positron annihilation in II-VI compound semiconductors Appl. Phys. A 66 (1998), 599-614 |
 | W. Leitenberger, C. Eisenschmidt, H.-R. H?che Polarization phenomena in Laue- and Bragg-geometry Surf. Invest. 12 (1997), 469-480 |
J. Schreiber, H. Uniewski, S. Hildebrandt, L. H?ring, H. S. Leipner Distinction of the recombination properties and identification of Y luminescence at glide dislocations in CdTe Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 157 (1997), 651-654 |
S. Hildebrandt, H. Uniewski, J. Schreiber, H. S. Leipner Localization of Y luminescence at glide dislocations in cadmium telluride J. Physique III 7, 7 (1997), 1505-1514 |
 | H. S. Leipner, R. Scholz, F. Syrowatka, H. Uniewski, J. Schreiber Interaction of copper with dislocations in GaAs J. Physique III 7, 7 (1997), 1495-1503 |
 | R. Krause-Rehberg, H. S. Leipner Determination of absolute vacancy concentrations in semiconductors by means of positron annihilation Appl. Phys. A 64 (1997), 457-466 |
H. S. Leipner, C. H?bner, R. Krause-Rehberg Study of plastically deformed semiconductors by means of positron annihilation Mater. Sci. Forum 258-263 (1997), 981-986 |
Abicht H.-P., V?ltzke D., R?der A., Schneider R., Woltersdorf J. The influence of the milling liquid on the properties of barium titanate ceramics J. Mat. Chem. 7(3) (1997), 487-492 |
H. S. Leipner, R. Scholz, F. Syrowatka, P. Werner, K. D. Schicke, J. Schreiber Copper diffusion in plastically deformed GaAs Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 160 (1997), 87-90 |
M. Procop, A. R?der An interlaboratory comparision of energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (EDX) of titanium and zirkonium nitrides Mikrochimica Acta 125 (1997), 33-39 |
Schneider R., Woltersdorf J., R?der A. EELS Nanoanalysis for Investigation Both Chemical Composition and Bonding of Interlayers in Composites Mikrochimica Acta 125 (1997), 361-365 |
 | W. Leitenberger, C. Eisenschmidt, H.-R. H?che Lithium fluoride transmission phase retarder for X-rays J. Appl. Cryst. 30 (1997), 164-170 |
 | E. A. Steinman, H. S. Leipner, H. G. Grimmeiss The magnesium related luminescence in silicon and its quenching due to the presence of dislocations Sol. State Phen. 57-58 (1997), 313-318 |
C. H?bner, H. S. Leipner, R. Krause-Rehberg Deformation induced defects in GaAs-The role of dislocations Mater. Sci. Forum 255-257 (1997), 497-499 |
 | H. S. Leipner, J. Schreiber, H. Uniewski, S. Hildebrandt Dislocation luminescence in cadmium telluride Scanning Microsc. Intern. 11, 1 (1997), 149-160 |
H. Uniewski, J. Schreiber, S. Hildebrandt, H. S. Leipner SEM CL studies on polar glide dislocations in CdTe Mater. Sci. Eng. B 42 (1996), 313-316 |
 | H. S. Leipner, R. Scholz, F. Syrowatka, H. Uniewski, J. Schreiber Study of copper aggregations at dislocations in GaAs Mater. Sci. Eng. B 42 (1996), 186-189 |
Schneider R., Syrowatka F., R?der A., Abicht H.-P., Woltersdorf J. Identification of barium titanate phases by ELNES fingerprints XI Europ. Congr. on Microscopy, Dublin 1996, Proc. CD-ROM T11-34 (1996), |
F. Syrowatka, R. Scholz, H. Uniewski, J. Schreiber, H. S. Leipner Wechselwirkung von Kupfer mit Versetzungen in GaAs In: Rasterelektronenmikroskopie in der Materialpr?fung. Berlin: Deutscher Verband f?r Materialforschung und -pr?fung (1996), 287-292 |
C. H?bner, H. S. Leipner, O. Storbeck, R. Krause-Rehberg Defect characterization in plastically deformed undoped gallium arsenide In: The physics of semiconductors. Ed. M. Scheffler, R. Zimmermann. Singapore: World Scientific 4 (1996), 2805-2808 |
H. S. Leipner, C. H?bner, O. Storbeck, A. Polity, R. Krause-Rehberg Defect characterization in plastically deformed undoped gallium arsenide In: Semiconducting and insulating materials 1996. Piscataway: IEEE 1996 (1996), 283-286 |
 | C. G. Hübner, T.Staab, H. S. Leipner TEM studies of the microstructure of pressureless sintered copper phys. stat. sol. (a) 150 (1995), 653-660 |
 | H. S. Leipner, R. Krause-Rehberg, C. H?bner Generation of point defects during plastic deformation of InP Mater. Sci. Forum 196-201 (1995), 1267-1272 |
 | T. Sekiguchi, H. S. Leipner Damage-induced luminescence in InP Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 25 (1995), 3777-3779 |
10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | 390 | 400 | 410 | 420 | 430 | 440 | 450 | 456 | All