Kontakt |
Angebote für Studenten |
Bereiche im Nanotechnikum |
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4, D-06120 Halle, Germany
10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 |290 | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | 390 | 400 | 410 | 420 | 430 | 440 | 450 | 456 | All
A. Pohl Simulationen und erste Messungen am Positronenstrahlsystem EPOS Diplomarbeit (2010), |
F. Süßkraut Positronenannihilation als Methode zur Charakterisierung von low-k Materialien Diplomarbeit (2010), |
 | H. Nitzsche, A. Lochmann, H. Metz, A. Hauser, F. Syrowatka, E. Hempel, T. Müller, T. Thurn-Albrecht, K. Mäder Fabrication and characterization of a biomimetic composite scaffold for bone defect repair J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 94A (1) (2010), 298-307 |
 | Maik Butterling, Wolfgang Anwand, Gerhard Brauer, Thomas E. Cowan, Andreas Hartmann, Marco Jungmann, Krasimir Kosev, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Arnold Krille, Ronald Schwengner, Andreas Wagner Positron annihilation spectroscopy using high-energy photons phys. stat. sol. (a) (2009), |
 | Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Wolfgang Anwand, Gerhard Brauer, Maik Butterling, Tom Cowan, Andreas Hartmann, Marco Jungmann, Arnold Krille, Ronald Schwengner, Andreas Wagner Progress of the EPOS project: Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS) phys. stat. sol. (c) 6 (11) (2009), 2451-2455 |
 | Katrin Bertram, Matthias Stordeur, Frank Heyroth, Hartmut S. Leipner Dynamic in situ observations of electrical and structural changes in thin thermoelectric (Bi0.15Sb0.85)2Te3 films J. Appl. Phys. 106 (6) (2009), 063711 |
 | V. A. Sivakov, R. Scholz, F. Syrowatka, F. Falk, U Gösele, S. H. Christiansen Silicon nanowire oxidation: the influence of sidewall structure and gold distribution Nanotechn. 20 (40) (2009), 405607 |
 | Adriana Szeghalmi, Michael Helgert, Robert Brunner, Frank Heyroth, Ulrich Gösele, Mato Knez Atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 and TiO2 multilayers for applications as bandpass filters and antireflection coatings. Appl. Optics 48 (9) (2009), 1727-1732 |
 | Nadine Geyer, Zhipeng Huang, Bodo Fuhrmann, Silko Grimm, Manfred Reiche, Trung-Kien Nguyen-Duc, Johannes de Boor, Hartmut S. Leipner, Peter Werner, Ulrich Gösele Sub-20 nm Si/Ge superlattice nanowires by metal-assisted etching Nano Lett. 9 (9) (2009), 3106-3110 |
 | G. Radhakrishnan, A. Freundlich, B. Fuhrmann Chemical beam epitaxy of highly ordered network of tilted InP nanowires on silicon. J. Cryst. Growth 311, 7 (2009), 1855-1858 |
10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 |290 | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | 390 | 400 | 410 | 420 | 430 | 440 | 450 | 456 | All