Kontakt |
Angebote für Studenten |
Bereiche im Nanotechnikum |
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4, D-06120 Halle, Germany
 | Investigation of the structure of dislocation clusters in multicrystalline block-cast silicon. D. Oriwol, L. Sylla, A. N. Danilewsky, H. S. Leipner Extended defects in semiconductors Les Issambres 2016-09.
 | Motion of dislocations at Vickers indentations in (0001) GaN I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner, N. Wüst, G. Leibiger, F. Habel 12th International workshop on Beam injection assessment of microstructures in semiconductors, Tsukuba, Japan, June 2014.
| Magnetic properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanostructures. M. Wahler, N. Homonnay, O. Wid, A. Müller, F. Heyroth, B. Büttner, H.-H. Blaschek, K. J. O'Shea, D. McGrouther, D. A. MacLaren, G. Schmidt International workshop Functionality of oxide interfaces Augsburg
 | Ferromagnetic oxides for spin dynamics. N. Homonnay, T. Richter, M. Wahler, K. O'Shea, F. Heyroth, G. Schmidt International workshop Functionality of oxide interfaces Augsburg
| Hybrid Si/AlOx thin films of the electron crystal-phonon glass type as a thermoelectric material. Markus Trutschel, Jens Glenneberg, Frank Heyroth, Peter Werner, Hartmut S. Leipner 11th European Conference on Thermoelectrics Noordwijk 2013-11-18 - 20.
| Validation of an Approximation Formula of the Effective d33,eff of Periodic and Non-Periodic 1-3-Composites. Sabine Kern, Christoph Pientschke, Hartmut S. Leipner Conference UFFC 2013 Praha 2013.
 | Novel Composite Capacitors for Energy Storage.
Materialica-Messe München 2012
 | Charakterisierung von 0?3-Kompositdielektrika neuartiger Kondensatoren zur Energiespeicherung. J. Glenneberg, A. Buchsteiner, G. Wagner, M. Zenkner, T. Großmann, C. Ehrhardt, S. G. Ebbinghaus, M. Diestelhorst, S. Lemm, W. Münchgesang, H. Beige, H. S. Leipner AOFA Soest 24.-27.9.2012.
 | Mammalian cell adhesion on ordered, chemically modified nanostructures (Poster award) M. Niepel, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, T. Groth 2nd Summer school "Interrogations at the biointerface" Barcelona 2012-06-25 to 29.
| Entwicklung von Faserkompositmaterialien für den Einsatz bei Ultraschallsensoren. Christoph Pientschke, Sabine Kern, Hartmut S. Leipner, Christian Probst Expertentreff Neue Materialien, Halle, März 2012.
 | Novel capacitors for energy storage. Alexandra Buchsteiner, Mandy Zenkner, THomas Großmann, Claudia Ehrhardt, Martin Diestelhorst, Sebastian Lemm, Wolfram Münchgesang, Christoph Pientschke, Jens Glenneberg, Horst Beige, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Hartmut S. Leipner International renewable energy storage conference, Berlin (2011)
| Acceptor deactivation in silicon nanowires analyzed by scanning spreading resistance microscopy. R. Koegler, X. Ou, N. Geyer, P. Das Kanungo, D. Schwen, W. Skorupa, P. Werner 14th International conference on Gettering and defect engineering in semiconductor technology Loiperdorf, 2011-09-29 - 30.
 | The effect of the indenter orientation on the formation of dislocations and cracks in (0001) GaN. I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner, F. Heyroth, W. Fränzel, G.Leibiger, F. Habel 14th International conference od Defects - Recognition, imaging and physics in semiconductors. Miyazaki (Japan) 2011-09-25 to 29.
| Spectroscopic investigation of silicon polymorphs formed by indentation. M. Schade, H. S. Leipner, W. Fränzel 14th International conference od Defects - Recognition, imaging and physics in semiconductors. Miyazaki (Japan) 2011-09-25 to 29.
| Silicon nanowire heterostructures of porous/crystalline silicon. A. A. Tonkikh, N. Geyer, P. Werner, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner Xth Russian conference on Semiconductor physics Nizhni Novgorod, 2011-09-19 - 23.
| Sb mediated Ge/Si (100) quantum dots for Si based photonics. A. A. Tonkikh, A. V. Senichev, N. D. Zakharov, A. V. Novikov, K. E. Kudryavtsev, V. G. Talalaev, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, V. Y. Davydov, A. N. Smirnov, P. Werner 8th International conference on Group IV photonics London, 2011-09-14 - 16.
 | Indentation-induced dislocations and cracks in (0001) GaN bulk crystals. I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner, W. Fränzel, G. Leibiger, F. Habel, W. Mook, J. Michler Microscopy conference Kiel 2011-08-28 to 09-02.
 | Analytical TEM characterization of Si/SiOx nanostructures as hetero emitter for photovoltaic applications M. Schade, M. Roczen, E. Malguth, F. Heyroth, H. S. Leipner Microscopy conference Kiel 2011-08-28 to 09-02.
| Sb mediated Ge/Si quantum dots: Growth and properties. A. A. Tonkikh, N. D. Zakharov, V. G. Talalaev, A. V. Novikov, K. E. Kudryavtsev, B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner, V. Y: Davydov, A. N. Smirnov, P. Werner 7th International conference on Si epitaxy and heterostructures Leuven, 2011-08-28 - 09-02.
 | Investigation of 0-3 composites for novel capacitors and energy storage. Alexandra Buchsteiner, Mandy Zenkner, THomas Großmann, Claudia Ehrhardt, Sebastian Lemm, Wolfgang Münchgesang, Christoph Pientschke, Jens Glenneberg, Horst Beige, Stephan G. Ebbinghaus, Hartmut S. Leipner SPIE: Optics+Photonics, San Diego 2011-08
| Preparation and characterization of tunneling oxides and self organized Si/SiO2 nanodots for photovoltaic applications. Maurizio Roczen, Jan Amaru Töfflinger, Martin Schade, Orman Gref, Andreas Schöpke, Enno Malguth, Manfred Schmidt, Lars Korte, Bernd Rech Erlangen (2011)
 | Porous silicon as thermoelectric material. (Posterpreis) Johannes de Boor, D. S. Kim, X. Ao, A. Cojocaru, Nadine Geyer, H. Foell, V. Schmidt Frühjahrsschule Thermoelektrik Köln, 03-2011.
 | Controlling cell adhesion with layer-by-layer technique and nanosphere lithography. M. Niepel, D. Peschel, H. S. Leipner, B. Fuhrmann, T. Groth 37th Congress of European Society for Artificial Organs, Skopje 08.-11. September 2010 - Gewinner des 1. Preises. Abstract in Intern. J. Artificial Organs, 33, 7 (2010) 45.
 | Analytische TEM-Untersuchungen an Si-SiOx Nanostrukturen. M. Schade, M. Roczen, B. Berghoff, T. Mchedlidze, H. S.
Leipner 16. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik AOFA16, Kaiserslautern 27.-29. September 2010.
 | Thermoelectric charaterization of Si-Ge superlattices. K. Bertram, M. Trutschel, B. Fuhrmann, A. Tonkikh, P. Werner, H. S. Leipner The 8th European Conference on Thermoelectrics - ECT 2010 Como, 2010-09-22 to 2010-09-24.
 | On the formation and properties of Si/Ge. Nadine Geyer, Johannes de Boor, Alexander Tonkikh, Peter Werner, Bodo Fuhrmann, Hartmut S. Leipner The 8th European Conference on Thermoelectrics - ECT 2010 Como, 2010-09-22 to 2010-09-24.
 | BaTiO3-polymer composites. C. Ehrhardt, H. S. Leipner, B. Fuhrmann, M. Diestelhorst, S. G. Ebbinghaus 15. GDCh Vortragstagung - Fachgruppe Festkörperchemie und Materialforschung.
 | Combination of nanosphere lithography (NSL) and atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) to direct cell adhesion on biomaterials surfaces. M. Niepel, H. S. Leipner, B. Fuhrmann, T. Groth 14th International Conference Polymeric Materials, Halle 15.-17. September 2010 - Gewinner des 1. Preises.
| Ceramic-polymer nanocomposites based on phosphonic acid-modified BaTiO3. Claudia Ehrhardt, K. H. Felgner, B. Fuhrmann, S. G. Ebbinghaus European conference on Solid state chemistry (ECSSC-12), Münster 2010-09-20 to 23.
 | Combination of layer-by-layer technique and nanosphere lithography to control adhesion of cells. M. Niepel, D. Peschel, X. Sisquella, H. S. Leipner, B. Fuhrmann, J. A. Planell, T. Groth 459th Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar on Degradable Polymers as Biomaterials, 30. Mai - 02. Juni, 2010, Bad Honnef.
| Determination of the composition of a-Si/SiO2 multilayer structures after light induced crystallization. M. Schade, T. Mchedlidze, M. Kittler, B. Berghoff, H. S. Leipner EMRS Spring meeting, Strasbourg 2010.
 | Analytische TEM-Untersuchungen an Si-SiOx Nanostrukturen. M. Schade, M. Roczen, B. Berghoff, T. Mchedlidze, H. S. Leipner AOFA 16, Kaiserslautern 2010.
| Polyelectrolyte multilayers and nanosphere lithography control the adhesion of cells. M. Niepel, D. Peschel, X. Sisquella, H. S. Leipner, B. Fuhrmann, J. A. Planell, T. Groth International symposium Bio meets nano and IT, Halle 2009.
| Ceramic-polymer nanocomposites based on phosphonic acid-modified BaTiO3. Claudia Ehrhardt, Karl-Heinz Felgner, Bodo Fuhrmann, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus European conference on Solid state chemistry (ECSSC-12), Münster 2009.
| High resolution electron microscopy and EELS investigations of arrays of Si nanopillars for thermoelectric applications. M. Schade, N. Geyer, B. Fuhrmann, F. Heyroth, P. Werner, H. S. Leipner DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden 2009.
| High resolution investigations of ripple structures formed by femtosecond laser irradiation of silicon. M. Schade, O. Varlamova, J. Reif, H. S. Leipner Microscopy congress, Graz 2009.
 | High resolution investigations of ripple structures formed by femto-second laser irradiation of silicon. H. S. Leipner, M. Schade, O. Varlamova, J. Reif 15. Tagung Festkörperanalytik. Chemnitz 2009.
| Characterization of wet chemical etched silicon nanowires by means of electron microscopy. Martin Schade, Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Hartmut S. Leipner Workshop on Advances in science and technology of nanostructures, Halle 2008-06-03 to 2008-06-04.
| Fabrication of silicon nanowire arrays by catalytic etching. Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Hartmut S. Leipner, Peter Werner, Ulrich Gösele Workshop on Advances in science and technology of nanostructures, Halle 2008-06-03 to 2008-06-04.
| Investigation of the change in the microstructure of thin p-type Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectric films after heat treatment. F. Heyroth, M. Schade, K. Rothe, H. S. Leipner, M. Stordeur EMC 2008, Aachen.
| Combined HRXRD and EELS investigations of SiGe/Si(001) islands grown by means of liquid phase epitaxy. M. Schade, F. Heyroth, H.S. Leipner, M.Hanke Microscopy congress 2007, Saarbrücken.
 | Application of electron energy-loss spectroscopy to high-κ gate dielectric Y2O3 films J. Zhang, R. L. Gaboriaud, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka, H. S. Leipner Arbeitskreistreffen EF-EELS, Lausanne 2004
 | Determination of transition metal co-ordination in glasses by analysis of highly resolved L2,3 ELNES spectra F. Heyroth, T. Höche, P. A. v. Aken, R. Keding Arbeitskreistreffen EF-EELS, Lausanne 2004
 | Plastic deformation of GaAs at different temperatures V. Mikhnovich. H. S. Leipner, V. Bondarenko, F. Heyroth, R. Krause-Rehberg, F.-M. Kießling, A. Sen Gupta, J.-L. Demenet, J. Rabier, L. Thilly Extended defects in semiconductors, Chernogolovka 2004
 | Depolarisation at X-ray diffraction by non coplanar many beam excitation M. Kolbe, C. Eisenschmidt, H.-R. H?che DGK Jahrestagung 2002
 | Coherent or not coherent that's the question M. Kolbe, C. Eisenschmidt, H.-R. H?che HASYLAB User's Meeting 2002