10th International Workshop on Beam Injection Assessment
of Microstructures in Semiconductors - BIAMS

Halle (Saale) / Germany,    July 4 - 8, 2010


Instructions for proceedings manuscripts
The proceedings of the conference will be published as a special issue of physica status solidi (c). One copy of the proceedings will be distributed to all registered conference participants in spring 2011.
For the manuscripts of the proceedings, electronic and hardcopy submission is necessary. Please use the form at the bottom of this page for the electronic submission by July 5, 2010. In addition, three hardcopies have to be submitted at the conference desk at your registration.
It is expected that all presenters deliver a manuscript. All manuscripts will be reviewed during the conference. The final decision about publication is done by the editor. If wanted by the authors and suggested by the referee and the editor, a limited number of the manuscripts can be selected for publishing in a regular issue of physica status solidi (a) or (b). (They will be printed in the proceedings book, too). These manuscripts will be reviewed by a second referee chosen by Wiley InterScience.

For the preparation of the manuscript please follow carefully the instructions below or look at the Wiley InterScience Journal Homepage for Instructions for authors.

Manuscript preparation guidelines for authors of physica status solidi

Manuscript submission, formats, and length restrictions
  • Manuscripts should be delivered in three copies at the conference desk and accompanied by an electronic submission containing text and figures compressed in one zip- or rar-file using the web-form at the bottom of this page. Please make sure that disk files and hardcopies are identical. For huge files please enclose a CD-ROM with the files to your hardcopy submission.
  • Do not send your manuscript to the Editorial Office of physica status solidi.
  • Prepare your manuscript using Microsoft Word (preferred) or LaTeX. It is essential that you use the provided template and style files, respectively, to enable an easy length estimate of your article. All textual material (incl. tables, captions, etc.) should be in a single file.
  • Microsoft Word: Please use the provided pss_template_word_2010.dot in the document template; an example is the file Manuscript_preparation_guidelines_word_2010.doc which contains extended author instructions in the style of a manuscript.
  • Latex 2e: The style file package pss_template_latex.zip is available (with pss-demo.tex as sample file).
  • In addition to the Word or Latex file (and separate figures, if any), please accompany your submission by one printable file (PDF or Postscript, using only standard fonts Times New Roman and Symbol; some fonts such as Asian or Russian character fonts may cause problems) of your entire manuscript including the text as well as all tables and figures.
  • For publication in physica status solidi (c), production will be done using your publication-ready manuscript file. You will not receive page proofs for correction.
Title and author information
  • A corresponding address valid for the entire period from submission until publication must be given, especially if the current address differs from the author's affiliation in the paper.
  • Please identify the corresponding author and add e-mail, phone, and fax as a footnote.
  • Keywords: Articles on Wiley InterScience and in the journal issues are classified using keywords. Please therefore suggest about four verbal keywords for your manuscript. Keywords should be comprehensive, reflect the essence and major aspects of the work, and be as precise as possible. Expressions which are not generally known by the physics community, especially abbreviations, should be avoided.
  • An abstract of about ten lines is required.
Figures and tables
  • Figures must be submitted ready for reproduction. Lettering/symbols should be large and clear enough in the final figure size. Avoid small open symbols, small dots, small decimal points, hairlines, close-dotted or short-dashed lines. Draw a closed axes frame in diagrams. For numbers, use a decimal point instead of a comma.
  • Figures and tables should be embedded in the manuscript file, in order to indicate their appropriate positions and required space. Figures may also be submitted as separate files (PS/EPS, TIF, GIF, PDF, CorelDraw, Origin, Adobe Illustrator or compatible formats).
  • Colour figures submitted in electronic format will generally remain in colour in the internet PDF version of an article at no cost. Print version will be black/white unless colour figures are purchased using the colour print authorization on the Reprint Order Form.
Quantities and equations
  • Both in the text and in equations, physical quantities should be given in italic, vectors in bold italic, units in upright letters. Tabulated functions should be given in upright letters.
Formatting of literature citations
  • References should be numbered [in square brackets] and listed in the order of appearance at the end of the manuscript, or inserted using Latex commands. In Word, it is not recommended to insert references as endnotes. Please apply the format used in physica status solidi from 2003 (see www.pss-c.com).
Length restrictions
  • The length of manuscript should be between 4 to 6 (absolute maximimum) pages for contributed (oral or poster presentations) papers and between 6 to 10 pages for invited talks.
Any article which does not conform to these standards will inevitably cause extra work and delays and may lead to its exclusion from publication.

Electronic submission of the proceedings manuscripts::

If you didnīt submit your personal data, please preregister first.