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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
H. Lei, H. S. Leipner, N. Engler, J. Schreiber Interactions of point defects with dislocations in n-type silicon-doped GaAs J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 14 (2002), 7963-7971
Raman scattering and cathodoluminescence experiments have been performed to investigate the effect of dislocations on the spatial distribution of point defects and on the free electron concentration in n-type GaAs:Si. An experimentally extended increase of the free electron and (SiGaVGa)2- complex concentrations from the matrix to the dislocation is explained as resulting from the formation of arsenic precipitates around the dislocation by means of computer simulations based on a diffusion-aggregation model. View/download pdf file