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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
Rutckaia, V; Heyroth, F; Schmidt, G; Novikov, A; Shaleev, M; Savelev, RS; Schilling, J; Petrov, M Coupling of Germanium Quantum Dots with Collective Sub-radiant Modes of Silicon Nanopillar Arrays ACS Photonics 8 (2021), 209-217
In this paper, we demonstrate the infrared photoluminescence emission from Ge(Si) quantum dots coupled with collective Mie modes of silicon nanopillars. We show that the excitation of band edge dipolar modes of a linear nanopillar array results in strong reshaping of the photoluminescence spectra. Among other collective modes, the magnetic dipolar mode with the polarization along the array axis contributes the most to the emission spectrum, exhibitilv experimentally measured Q-factor of around 500 for an array of 11 pillars. The results belong to the first experimental evidence of light emission enhancement of quantum emitters applying collective Mie resonances in finite nanoresonators and therefore represent an important contribution to the new field of active all-dielectric meta-optics. Keywords: silicon nanopillars, quantum emitters, Mie resonances, self-assembled quantum dots, oligomer nanostructures, photoluminescence enhancement